Chapter 13
Caden’s POV
Was she seriously blackmailing me right now? The chit has some backbone that’s for sure.
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I can’t help but laugh at her attempt though. It’s almost pitiable.
“Why are you laughing?” She asks, looking at me anxiously and a little worried. Can’t say I blame her though.
1 straighten up and wipe off a nonexistent tear from the side of my eye. “You’re funny. You know that right?” I tell her, giving her what possibly is the first smile that she has received from me.
“I’m not trying to be funny,” she spits out, her brows furrowing in barely concealed anger. “I meant what I said.”
The smile on my face disappears. “No, sweetie, you weren’t being serious.” I stalk over to her while holding her gaze, making sure she can see the look in my eyes that was probably murderous. “If you’re being serious then that would mean that you were blackmailing me,” I trail off. “You wouldn’t be stu p i d enough to do that, would you?”
Her mouth closes and opens like a fish out of water.
A smirk makes its way to my face. “That’s what I thought.” As expected Alessia has no heat to her words. “Go to the pack house,” I say in a firm voice, letting her know that I was tired of her nonsense.
I turn around and start making my way back to the training grounds, the conversation with Alessia already pushed to the back of my mind..

“Caden!” Alessia yells out to me.
I barely stop myself from rolling my eyes as I turn to find her glaring at me.
She matches over to me and pokes me in the chest. “I’m been serious here.”
The shock at having her poke me in the freaking chest fades away and makes way for anger. I grip her hand tightly, exacting more force than needed.
Alessia whines and her eyes fall to the fist clenching her hand.
Breathing in slowly, I release a bit of pressure from my hold but still keep her in my grip. “We both know that you aren’t.” I hold her gaze, daring her to tell me otherwise.
Right in front of me, her whole resolve crumbles. “Why won’t you teach me?” Her eyes water and my chest. squeezes. “I just want to learn how to defend myself. What’s so wrong about that?”
The anger in me goes out as a teardrop rolls down her face.
Chapter 13
*UIN96% 11:22
“You’re going to get yourself hurt,” I husk out, trying to remind myself why teaching her to fight was a bad
“I won’t,” she promises earnestly..
I know she’s lying. There’s no way she’s going to give up a chance of getting her revenge and I just realize that nothing I say or do will change that.
So, instead of trying to stop her, why not just help her? At least this way, I can keep an eye on her and make sure she is actually properly trained for whatever idea she has cooked up in her head.
I can feel my resolve wither away before I even open my mouth, Tll teach you.”
Her eyes brighten up as a huge smile takes over her face.
“No more blackmailing. One word about us being mates and I’ll end the training,” I push out. It’s not like I thought she would really spill out our secret but it’s better to be safe than sorry.
“I won’t. I promise,” she rushes. She makes a notion of zipping up her mouth, locking it, and throwing the keys away.
I fight away the smile that’s trying to make its way to my face. Smiling about her silly antics will just make her feel more comfortable around me and think that she could try something of this sort again. Better to shoot it down before it happens.
“Let’s go back to the training ground.” I let go of her head and started walking back to where we came from. I don’t have to look back to know that she’s hot on my heels.
She appears beside me. “Thank you so much for doing this.”
“Thank me by not doing something foolish,” I mutter, already feeling a pinch of regret settle into my chest. I hope I wasn’t helping her head to her doom.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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