Chapter 14
Alessia’s POV
Everything hurts.
I feel like I’ve been run over by a truck, pushed off a cliff, and then slammed into a wall repeatedly.
I can’t move off the bed but I also know that I can’t stay in bed for the whole day. Not after basically begging Caden to help train me. It will just give him the perfect excuse he needs to end our sessions.
My rise off my bed is filled with groans and whines that I’m sure woke up the entire pack house.
I’m a werewolf with super healing strength but da m n, this pain is something else.
By the time I’ve managed my way out of the bed, all my muscles are screaming at me and my shaky legs. seem about ready to give up at any moment.
I manage to force myself to head into the bathroom and do the least I can in my morning routine.
I’m pulling on my workout gear when my door flies open. Thankfully, I’m in gym shorts and I still have my tank top from the previous night on but I still find it right to call him out on it, “can’t you knock?”
Caden simply closes the door behind him and walks into the room. “You were late. You were supposed to be at the training grounds ten minutes ago.”
He stands in the middle of my room and trails his gaze up and down my body.

“What’s wrong with you?” He asks, an eyebrow arched.
He must have noticed the awkward way I was standing and the pain I’m very sure is written all over my face.
“Nothing.” I force out, placing a smile that ends in a whine as I stretch the muscles on my face. Goddd, I feel like I’m being pierced with a thousand needles.
“Are you hurt?” He tersely asks and grips my arm. “Where are you hurt?”
1 yelp, curling my bottom lip in to hold out a scream. That hurts,” I whimper, trying to pull my arm out of his hold.
Caden drops it like it was laced with wolfband. “You didn’t have a cold bath after our session?” He asks incredulously, looking at me like I’ve grown two heads.
“Cold bath?” I ask confused. Cold bath? How on earth was I supposed to know I was meant to take a cold bath after those exercises? That was the first time I so much as threw a punch so how was I supposed to
know that?
Caden groans and runs his fingers through his hair as he stares at me like he doesn’t know what to do with
Chapter 14
“You aren’t going to the training ground today.” Caden states, looking at me with something akin to worry.
“No.” I rush out, knowing this was what would happen. “I want to learn. I’m not that hurt. I make a show of clenching my fist and punching the air but it ends in a yell.
“You are going to hurt yourself more than you would learn anything. He walks into my bathroom and I follow him mindlessly.
“What are you doing?” I ask as he crunches down beside the bathtub and fills it with water
“Running an ice bath for you,” he replies without looking back at me. Then he stands up and looks down at my body. “Undress. I’ll be back with some ice soon,” he says, heading out of the bathroom and leaving me standing alone.
After a second of wondering what was happening, I peel away the clothes off my body as slowly as I can and wrap my naked body in a fluffy towel.
I hear the door to the room opening again and then Caden appears in the bathroom doorway with a bag of ice in his hand.
He walks over to the bathtub, not even sparing me a gaze, and pours the whole bag into it.
1 inch over to it, thinking about how cold it was going to be. Some puff of icy smoke was coming out of it and I wasn’t looking forward to sinking into that icy hell.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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