Chapter 25
Alessia’s POV
95% 11:26
As expected, I got the screaming of a lifetime the next day and Caden took out his anger on me the next few days at training.
It’s been a week now and I can still feel his gaze digging a hole into my back, watching my every move like a hawk. It’s all so suffocating and g o d da m n annoying.
Exhaling loudly, I sink into the sofa in the living room, the only place aside from my room that I’m permitted to be in. Even with being confined in this tiny space, Caden’s watchful gaze follows my every movement from the place he sat at the other end of the room with Raphael.
Alex and Scarlett moved out two days back and for someone that I’ve only known for a few weeks, I miss her presence already.
The front door opens, revealing Scarlett with Alex right behind her as though summoned by my thoughts.
up, smiling as I walk over to her to be engulfed in a big warm hug.
I stand
“How are you doing?” She asks, squeezing me tighter.
“I’m good.” I pull away from her when I feel something porking me in the belly. I look down and my eyes widen at the sound of another heartbeat coming from Scarlett’s body.
The bump isn’t all that noticeable unless you’re looking at it closely.

“You’re pregnant.” I try my best to keep my voice as low as I can. I haven’t heard any news about her pregnancy around so she may be trying to keep it on the down low. I don’t want to be the one to ruin her fun.
She nods excitedly, her eyes sparkling with joy and her skin glowing with what I can only assume to be a result of her impending motherhood. She’s radiant.
“The crib just came in today. Do you want to see the crib?” She’s practically bouncing on her feet and I know that she’s just downright giddy at the prospect of showing me said crib.
I nod without thinking and my mood deflates as I remember Caden’s insistent on me not leaving the pack house. “I’m sorry. I can’t come with you to see it.” I give her a sad smile to display my apology.
“Why not?” Her face is crestfallen and I me n t a l l y curse Caden to hell at the look on her face.
I throw a pointed look to where he sitting and chatting with her mate and Rapheal. “He won’t let me even step out of the front door,” I grumble, already at my whisk end with this house imprisonment.
It is not like I had anywhere to go but since this house arrest has been placed on me, I find that I suddenly want to go to a lot of places. Seriously, anywhere would do.
Chapter 25
She glares in their direction and starts stalking there before I can hold her back to talk some sense into
I catch a few words that she says to Caden on the other side of the room and with each word my eyes widen even further. It ranges from something about Caden being an a s s h o l e to her wanting to shove something up his… behind.
Is she trying the get herself killed? I know that she’s the beta female but there has to be a limit to the leinancy that she can have.
Ridden with fear for Scarlett and her baby, I watch as Caden’s face turns into different shades of red. Then Scarlett walks back to me with a victorious smile on her face that leaves me in a state of confusion.
“He said you could leave the house,” she announces, grinning widely.
I immediately turn my gaze to Caden, getting a whiplash in the process. Caden is staring at is with a grim expression on his face but he does nothing when Scarlett takes my hand and drags me to the door leading outside.
I hold my breath until we’re outside the house, not wanting to jinx this sudden change of fate.
“How did you do that?” I ask incredulously, puzzled as to how she used mere seconds to achieve something that I’ve been trying to do for days.
“Let’s just say that I know things that would make him very sorry,” she replies smugly and I stare at her in
“Let’s go see the crib now.” She claps her hands together and starts sk i p pi n g ahead of me.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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