Chapter 26
Alessia’s POV
Ever since Alex and Scarlett moved out of the pack house, my new sitting partner has become Jake.
Whenever it’s time for dinner, Jake gives me a small smile and pats the seat beside him in invitation. I’ve been having my dinner with him ever since and it hasn’t changed.
What also hasn’t changed is the glare I always feel on the side of my face whenever I’m seated beside Jake. A glare that I’m feeling right now.
Jake makes a funny remark about something from his teenage days and I find myself laughing.
My ears perk up at the sound of a low growl coming from the other end of the table. I look over there, meeting Caden’s black eyes and gritting teeth then I quickly turn my attention back to Jake, not wanting him to notice Caden staring at us.
Jake goes silent beside me and I turn to face him to find him looking at the end of the table where Caden is seated. “Why does Alpha Caden keep staring this way?” He looks at me confused. “Is there something going on between you too?”
Deny. That’s the first thing that comes to my mind so that’s exactly what I do. “Of course not.” I scoff. In the past week. I’ve managed to make Jake believe that I had an issue that I escaped from and that Caden had been the one to help me with it. “He’s just a friend of mine who lent me a helping hand when I needed it.”

The growl on the other end of the table gets louder, drawing the attention of the other people seated around the table. Though none of them dare to ask Caden what the issue is.
It doesn’t take a genius to know that Caden is listening in on our conversation and apparently, he doesn’t like what he’s hearing.
“I’m done here. Do you want to go outside to the porch?” I ask Jake, standing up with my emptied plate in my hand.
“Sure,” he answers, standing up with his plate and following behind me into the kitchen.
We place our plates in the sink and head on outside to the porch. There are a few people seated around. but overall, it’s a quiet night and the cool breeze warms my skin.
Outside with us is a couple, far away from us but it’s still very visible that they’re cuddling up with each other. The guy has his arms wrapped around the girl while she’s sitting on his lap and resting her head on his chest.
Jake is watching the couple as well with a wistful and longing gaze. It’s one that I’ve seen on several occasions and one that I’ve always tried to ignore because truthfully, it’s none of my business.
Jake’s gaze catches onto mine before I can turn my head away. He gives me a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. “Do you ever wonder if I have a mate?”
Chapter 26
It’s a question that I’ve asked myself a few times. Most of the wolves around Jake’s age have found their mates. Except for a few like Raphael. I have wondered why Jake hadn’t found his yet but I knew it would be insensitive to ask him, especially when I was keeping secrets from him.
He chuckles at my silence. Tll take that as a yes” With a sigh, he falls back on the ground, gazing up at the stars. “I’ve been looking for my mate ever since I turned eighteen. I’ve visited packs and searched everywhere possible for her.”
I follow his movement, lying down on my back and keeping quiet, not wanting him to stop talking.
“Six years later. I gave up and I haven’t searched for her ever since,” he laughs bitterly. “I keep seeing everyone my age with their mate and starting a family together. Decided that maybe she just doesn’t exist or maybe she’s dead.”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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