Chapter 45
Alessia’s POV
I walk into the clearing in the woods where the bonfire is being held. Caden filled me in on the way here and apparently, every full moon, the pack holds a bonfire, and fights are held to improve the pack spirit.
I have no idea how getting beat to a pump helps restore one’s spirit but whatever, I’m not the one running a pack here.
People are all over the place in all states of undress with some of them even going completely naked and nobody bats an eye at them. It’s another thing that I’m finding difficult to get used to. People just walk around naked and nobody gives a dam n.
In the center of the clearing is a circle where two gigantic wolves are circling around each other. I push through the crowd to get a better view just as the bigger wolf bites into the neck of the smaller one and draws blood.
1 gasp, expecting others to be as shocked as me but all I receive is screams and cheers from all around me. They are feeding on this and seeing that, the larger wolf attacks again, this time going for the neck.
Holding my breath, I watch as the smaller wolf moves out of the way just in time, making the bigger wolf land on a heap on the ground. Seeing his chance, the smaller wolf pounces on the bigger one, pressing his weight down on the wolf to hold it down.
The crowd erupts into yells and a guy appears out of nowhere and hits the floor three times, calling the match to an end.
I breathe out a sigh of relief as the two of them pull away and leave the clearing to go lick their respective wounds. Now that there’s nothing left to watch, the crowd disperses, everyone moving onto other things.

I follow the crowd and look for a place to rest my wary bones from today’s training. I find a shade in the corner of the wood but first change direction to get a drink from the refreshment table.
Taking a can of beer from the table, I head in the direction of my hideout, ready to spend the rest of the night there to avoid any unwanted presence.
Out of nowhere, I bump into someone and I open my mouth to form an apology when the person speaks.
“What do you think you’re doing here?” Julianna asks, snarling at me with a demonic look in her eyes. “This event is for pack members and the last time I checked, you weren’t a part of this pack.”
The apology on my tongue immediately dies a fast death. “It’s none of your f u c ki n g business.” I go to sidestep her but the b it c h follows me, cutting my path again.
Did I mention that she’s one of the people walking around naked and did I also mention that she has more than a few inches on me? All of this added together makes for a very awkward situation as her breasts j i g g e in my face every time she moves to block my path. They are very beautiful breasts but I want them out of my f u c k i n g face.
Chapter 45
AM 82 12:34
I move back a few feet and glare at her. “Move out of my way.” I grit out through clenched teeth. Why is she even doing this? Ever since Caden had that talk with her, she had made sure to stay clear of my path and avoid me at all costs. What happened to make her start her persecution of me again?
She crosses her arms over her chest, pushing her breasts higher up and making my eyes involuntarily fall on them. Dear Go d, can someone please get this woman a shirt? At this point, I will accept her wearing a
“Fight with me.” She smirks and moves closer to me making me take a step back. She must have interpreted it as my being scared because her smirk transformed into a full-blown devilish smile.
“Nah, I think I’m going to pass up on that offer. I tip my drink in a salute at her and make another attempt. to pass by her and again, she comers me.
I breathe out harshly through my mouth, already feeling my wolf rising to the occasion to teach Julianna a lesson but I’m not stupi d. Neither am I looking for a chance to meet with death. I know that Julianna is going to have me eating dust in approximately two point five seconds if I give her a chance. My wolf may be bigger but size doesn’t compete with years of training and skills.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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