Chapter 46
Alessia’s POV
Jake follows me to the hideout I find in the comer of the clearing. It only has a few people milling around, a perfect place to hide away and as a bonus, it has an undisrupted view of the the circle where another fight is being held.
This time, the people fighting are in their human form, fully dressed, and are women. It’s an intense battle that draws a lot of crowds. I put my money on the dark-haired lady who seems to be throwing the most punches.
“Are you
you still going to reject him?” Jake asks from beside me and my head whips in his direction before looking around to see if anyone hears his question. Everyone is either chatting away with a friend or focused on the fight and even if they did hear him, there’s no way for them to figure out that he’s talking
about Caden.
Jake is still looking at me when I turn my attention back to him again.
“I don’t know. I’m not sure.” Ever since our week away, I’ve been conflicted on what path to take next. If only I could have a relationship like that with Caden then I wouldn’t need to reject him. The issue now is that I doubt such a thing could ever happen.
“If ever you decide to go through with it, just know that you have someone here waiting for you,” he mutters, looking at the fight that’s currently drawing more heat and cheers.
Someone waiting for me. Could he be implying what I think he is? I shake my head, not wanting to believe that.

“Thanks for being a good friend,” I say, ski p p i n g past the whole confession because I don’t dare to deal with something like that at this moment.
He chuckles and turns his gaze to meet mine with a smile on his face. “I wasn’t implying friendship. I meant I’d be waiting for you as more than a friend.” He spells out.
Ok, so there’s no way I can try to go around that. Not after he confessed blatantly to me, basically writing it in the sand for me.
My head lowers to the ground to avoid his gaze. What am I supposed to say to that?
“Jake I can’t-”
My words get cut off as a deafening scream is heard from the h o a r d of people gathering around the circle. A crowd that seems to be growing by the minute. It seems like a new fight is to start soon.
A figure appears in the circle and understanding dawns on me as I realize why the crowd got into a fit. It’s because their Alpha has just graced them with their presence.
Caden stops in the middle of the circle, clamped in just sweatpants and nothing else. His opponent is
Chapter 46
dressed in the same way.
My gaze goes over Caden’s body, trailing from his neck, down to believe that I had my body wrapped around all that.
his bulging bicep and thighs. I can’t
82% 12:34
My eyes move over to his opponent, taking him in. The only word I can come up with is ‘monster because that’s exactly what he is. He is well over a foot above Caden and the veins in his neck pop out. His arms look large enough to squash my head to bits.
I gulp down saliva when I get a look at his eyes. Murder. That’s what is written on themn. Is Caden going to be able to defeat this giant?
All my attention moves away from Jake’s confession to the fight of a lifetime. I realize that I’ve been holding my breath when I start getting dizzy from the lack of air.
Breathing out deeply, I bite my bottom lip as the referee wave a flag in the air, commencing the start of the fight.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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