Chapter 55
George’s POV
“You f u c k i n g did what?!” I thunder, looking down at the i m b c l e s kneeling on the floor in front of me, begging for me to spare their lives.
A generosity that they don’t deserve.
“Answer me!” I yell, my voice echoing through the woods that we’re standing in. A location that I’d picked out for its discretion and privacy.
“She fell into a trap in Alpha’s Caden territory and we thought she was as good as dead knowing his reputation. So, we left her,” the idiot on the left side speaks up. Zach I think was his name.
I close my eyes as a feeling of dread goes over me. Why did I order such incompetent fools to do such an important job?
“So what happened then?” I ask, opening my eyes. “If you thought of such an awesome plan then how did. you end up on your knees and begging for my mercy?”
“We recently heard from a friend of ours in the pack that she’s Alpha Caden’s second chance mate. She’s alive and living with him in the pack house,” he pushes out, sweat trailing down the side of his head even with the cool breeze around us.
This is going to ruin my plans. She isn’t supposed to be alive by now. She’s supposed to be in the ground, right beside her s l u t of a mother.
“Here’s what’s going to happen.” I stalk closer to them and they visibly shiver. “You two are going to go back and camp right outside that pack, waiting for her. And as soon as she makes the mistake of stepping outside, I want you to pass a knife through her heart.”

I reach into my pocket and pull out a white handkerchief that’s covering a very precious and deadly item. I pass it over to them.
“This is a blade laced with the venom.” I don’t need to say more than that to get them to understand how crucial the situation has become. “One slice into her heart should do the trick”
The idiot on the right gingerly picks it out of my hand and places it into his back pocket.
“Do not fail me this time,” I pointedly say. “If that blade doesn’t go into her heart then it’s going to go yours.” I make sure to hold their gaze to convey to them that I’m being f uc ki n g serious here. One more screw-up from them and it’s over.
“We won’t, Alpha George,” he says, his head bowed down to the ground in a show of respect.
A smile makes its way to my lips at the name. It’s very possible that he may be using that title to get on my
Chapter 55
good side. If that is so, then it’s working seamlessly.
81% 12:39
That title is going to be mine soon so what’s the harm in trying it out a little bit to get the feel of it? All I just need to do is kill the girl and then kill her father. The latter is already been put into the plan. The former is what these idiots keep screwing up.
“Leave now,” I bite out and like a family of co c k r o ac h e s, they stumble to their feet and fly out of my sight.
Breathing out deeply, I shift, ripping apart the clothes currently on my body, and start making the long run back to the pack house. I had slid away under the pretense of going to check on the boulders. Slipping out of the pack house is getting harder now that tension is up in the air. The possible death of the current Alpha of a pack can cause that.
I shift back into my human form and go behind the house in search of the clothes I keep there for situations like this.
I dress up and attempt to slip back into the house but I’m stopped short by the last person I want to be seen with.
“Beta George, I urgently need to speak with you,” he rushes out, walking over to my side.
I quickly scout out the area for any unwanted listeners. “What is it?” I grit out through clenched teeth. Is my day destined to be filled with incompetent fools?
“He’s dying.” he says, his eyes wide with fear.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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