Chapter 57
Alessia’s POV
I race beside Caden in the woods, the wind passing through our wolves’ furs as we let ourselves the moonlight. It’s perfect.
At practice today, I managed to make Caden stumble on his feet. Yes, I freaking made him stumble.
It may not seem like much, but to me, it’s a big win and I suspect that is why Caden had suggested we go for a late-night run together. Recently, he has been letting me go out on more runs but those happen in the afternoon after practice and those mostly turned into another training session. The ones where he would knock on my door and ask me to accompany him on a night run were the special ones. They were the ones where we would shift back and sit on a rock together, sharing a little bit more of ourselves with the other.
They were like the one we’re currently having right now.
I pant on top of the rock, exhausted from the long run. Zuri is very happy, the happiest that she’s been for a while now. I refuse to analyze why that is.

Caden is settled beside me but unlike me, he doesn’t have his tongue out of his mouth while he pushes air into his lungs. The only thing giving away his exertion is the rapid falling and rising of his chest.
Unable to stop myself, my gaze falls to that chest, tracing the slopes and curves with my eyes. My thighs. clench as my eyes slide down to the manhood lying against his thighs, unerect but still thick and long.
Trailing my eyes back up his body, my eyes clash with his dark ones. He has been watching me watch him.
My cheeks tint pink as I turn my gaze to the side, praying that he ignores the tightness of my nipples. I suddenly want to grab my clothes from the tree trunk they resting on and put them on, but doing that will somehow be worse.
Caden clearing his throat pulls my attention back to him. He’s stopped looking at me and is now staring. out into the night sky. “Do you ever think about what life you would have if you had lived with your Alpha father?”
I pause for a moment, thinking over his words. Words that I’ve pondered over several times. Words that have made me harbor a tinge of… disagreement with my mother I knew why she did what she did- especially since I recently got a first-hand experience about what my life could have been like- but I still wonder.
“I’ve had thoughts of it, I admit. “But I also know that my mother did what she thought was best for me.”
“You don’t mind that you might have been an Alpha of your pack by now and a great warrior?”
An Alpha of my pack? I balk at that thought. “I don’t think I would have made a very good Alpha.” I see how Caden deals with ruling a pack each and every day. I don’t want that to be me. I don’t know what to do and will probably make a mess of everything.
80% 12:41
Chapter 57
A feather touch on my cheeks has me turning my head in Caden’s direction. He’s watching me intently and the touch on my face is becomes firm as he grazes my cheek with his thumb. “I’m sure it would have
been a part of you.”
he says goes over my head as I hyper-focus on that hand on my cheek. He notices my stiff posture and pulls away, making me hide a wince of displeasure. I want that hand back on my cheek. I want that hand lower down on my body.
I sigh, pulling away as well and forcing myself not to beg him to put his hand back on me.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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