Chapter 64
Alessia’s POV
Two new faces greeted me at the dining table the next day when we were all having breakfast.
Try as I may, I couldn’t shake off the tension in the air. Everyone was stiff and call me delusional, but I
think it may have been caused by the presence of these new guests. Who
No one is saying anything so there’s no way of knowing. That’s why I find a way to corner Jake behind the pack house and try to dig my claws into the poor chum.
“Who are they?” I whisper, keeping my voice low to prevent anyone from cavesdropping. Nearly everyone should be at the training ground but you can never be too careful. “Tell me!” I bite out when he remain
He sighs, looking tentatively around us before turning his focus back to me. “They’re the late Luna’s family; her father and sister,” he whispers back, still looking around us every once in a while. “They haven’t been here in ages.”
“So why are they here now?” I’m not even aware I voiced out my thoughts until Jake answers.

“I don’t know.” He shrugs, his face a perfect description of the expression- how am I supposed to know
I roll my eyes, leaning on the wall beside me. This could be a very serious issue. Why are they here and how can’t possibly get my hands on this information?
“Just leave it alone, Alessia,” Jake says, giving me a warning look with his eyes narrow.
I widen my eyes innocently. “I wasn’t going to do anything.” I make sure to add a bit of hurt in my voice. Like, how could he ever think I’ll meddle in other people’s business?
He looks at me like he doesn’t quite believe my words but other than that suspicious look, he drops the topic. “Let’s just head over to the training grounds. Caden will have my head if he finds out that I’m the reason you’re late.” He shivers. “I definitely do not want another episode of the last time he got his hands
on me.”
I roll my eyes. Again. The men I associate with are going to make me lose an eyeball one of these days. “Just ignore him. He won’t try to do something of that sort again. At least, not in front of the crowd that will be there.” A silver of doubt arises from my words. I’m a hundred percent sure that Caden doesn’t give a dam n about the people watching him. He does whatever is on his mind and I’m very sure that if he wants another chance to get his fist in Jake’s face then he’s going to definitely be doing that.
Jake must be having the same thoughts as me because he doesn’t make any comments on what I just said. “Let’s just get out of here.”
We power walk to the training grounds and walk in at separate times, with me lingering around the woods. and walking in a solid ten minutes after Jake.
Chapter 64
81% 11:36
After getting my long dose of scolding from Caden, I start my workout. Caden takes it harder on me today. but after an excruciating three hours, he allows me to call it a day.
By the time I get back to the pack house, the only energy I have left in me is used to drag myself into the house. I basically crawl the rest of the distance into the kitchen and towards the fridge. Ripping the door of the fridge open, I grab the very first thing my fingers touch which thankfully happens to be a bottle of water. I down the cool liquid, sighing in pleasure when the first drop hit my throat. To anyone around, I’ll probably look like I just spent the last few days locked up in a desert. Another thing to be thankful about is that there’s no one around to witness this.
“What’s wrong with you?”
The words come from behind me and I whip around, startled by the fact that I didn’t hear anyone approaching. Did they tiptoe over here?
Standing in front of me is the last person I would expect. Ok, so maybe not the last, but also definitely not the first. Maybe the first or sixth person I would expect but not the-
Why am I rambling to myself here? Probably because my mate’s late Luna’s sister is standing in front of me. Wheeze, that’s super long title.
“Hey,” I greet, waving my hand awkwardly in the air and quickly dropping it back by my side when she gives me a weird look. “And there’s nothing wrong with me,” I answer the first question that started this whole weird interaction.
“I’ve been hearing some rumors about you.” Her eyes narrow. “Though, for some reason everyone goes silent when I try to ask them about it.”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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