Chapter 65
Caden’s POV
The first pack house we pay a visit to is the Red Wood Pack.
First, I call on them a day before to inform them of our expected visit. They may have been skeptical but there’s no way that they will dare to reject me. When we get there, we’re escorted by the beta of the pack.
I examine the beta as we walk the short distance to the pack house, searching for anything that may seem out of the ordinary. I find none. I’m not giving up hope just yet though. I’m going to wait to see how he reacts when I bring up the topic of the rogue attacks. That will be the determining factor.
When we get to the pack house, we are led towards the Alpha’s office and after a ‘come in’ from the Alpha, we enter into the room.
Alpha Frank, a man in his late forties is seated on a great black wooden chair with an opened window behind him, streaming the rising sunset onto him and making him appear dark and dangerous. We walk in and sit on the chairs laid out in front of his desk. Including his beta, Richard. The most important piece in this chess.
“So, what do I hold this pleasure?” Frank asks, cutting straight to the chase, a man of little patience. I didn’t expect anything less from him so I follow his lead.
“We are here to talk about the increase in the rogue attacks in our packs,” I say, my gaze flickering over to Richard and then back to his Alpha. Richard still has a perfect posture. His heart rate, breathing and pulse all check out from what I can hear.

His brows furrow and then arch. “Our packs?” Then he smirks smugly. “I don’t know about you but I believe that I’ve got everything under control in my pack. I certainly do not need to be having this meeting with you.”
I stop myself from gritting my teeth, instead taking solace in digging my claws into the arms of his chair and effectively ruining his beautiful furniture. “I wouldn’t say everything is under control. Not after the patrol team I just saw guiding your boulders.” I hide a smile as his wipes off. If he wants to play dumb then I’ll give him just that. “Since you don’t seem interested in our information, I guess we’ll just leave.”
I stand up, ignoring the arched brow that Isiah sends my way. I know this isn’t the plan but I so want to wipe off that smug look off the b a s t r d’ s ugly face.
I’m doubting myself when my fingers close around the door kn o b without a call back from Frank. Just as I’m cursing myself for being sure an idiot, he speaks-
“Wait,” he mutters in such a low voice that I probably wouldn’t have heard if not for 1
my enhanced hearing.
I’m not an idiot. I accept what I get and turn around back to my previous seat. When I sit, Isiah is throwing glares to my side, another thing which I just ignore. I know I’m being hot-headed but I just can’t stand this pompous pri c k and I’ll do anything to take that conceited smile off hai face.
Chapter 65
“You called me back? 1 ask innocently. “Why?”
“You said you have some information. A pause. “What is it?”
81% 11:36

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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