Chapter 98
Alessia’s POV

I’ve never seen Caden in anything other than sweatpants and a t-shirt. On very few occasions have I seen him in jeans but never have I seen him in a suit pants and button up sleeve shirt.
We walk through the living room to get to the door and I ignore the hundred pairs of eyes that follow us on our way out. It’s obvious from the way that we’re both dressed that we’re going out on a date.
Caden simply draws me into his side and whispers words of comfort in my ear as we pass the crowd, telling me not to let their stares get to me.
We get to the car in one piece and Caden opens the passenger side for me and helps me in, resulting in me grinning like an idiot throughout the entire ride to the restaurant.
Caden and I talk about simple subjects on the ride there, ranging from how this is the first time that he will be trying out this restaurant and any other topic that crosses our mind.
By the time we get to the restaurant, the energy in the car is warm and easy as we share a laugh over a joke regarding Lucy, that Caden just retold..
Caden parks the car in a free space in the parking lot and I open my door just as Caden is rounding the car to get to my side.
“I wanted to help you out of your car like a gentleman,” he says, throwing a playful glare at me.

“You’ll get to do that when we get to the pack house and if you play your cards right, I’ll even give you a good night kiss.” Moving closer to him, I place my lips beneath his ear. “It won’t be a kiss on the lips.” With that said, I pull away and walk away from the car and Caden.
Caden’s gaze does dark at my words and I giggle as I pretend not to notice him discreetly trying to adjust his suit pants.
He clears his throat when he gets to my side and avoids my gaze, sending me into another set of giggles.
“Let’s go get dinner,” he says, wrapping his hand around my waist and pulling me into his side, completely ignoring the fact that I can’t keep my laughter under control. He looks down at me and smiles mischievously. “Two can play this game.”
That statement wipes away every trace of laughter out of me, leaving behind a healthy dosage of
I know the sort of control that Caden has over my body and I know that he’s an expert when it comes to welding it. What if he puts me in an embarrassing position in the restaurant?

front of a crowd. I trust him. I still at that thought. I trust Caden. When

I had been so disturbed by my internal conflict that it projected its results outside of my body.
“I’m fine,” I answer, smiling up at him to put his mind at ease because I know that he won’t hesitate to drag us back into the car and back to the pack house if he suspects that I’m anything less than perfect.
So I push away that thought to the back of my head. I will decipher it when I’m alone and in the comfort of my room, not when I’m on a date with my very handsome mate.
He nods, still stealing glances at me as we walk towards the restaurant but at least, he isn’t ushering us back into the car and back on the road.
We get to the restaurant and the waitress shows us to the table that Caden booked for us- a seat that face the window, allowing us to gaze up at the beautiful sky outside while we eat our food. A perfect
When the waitress comes back, she takes our orders and leaves again with a promise to be back soon with our food.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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