Chapter 99
Alessia’s POV
I wake up in a p o o d le of sweat and a familiar pain in the pit of my stomach.
Oh, no. This can’t be happening again. Has it already been a month since the last time?
I fly out of my bed and rush to the calendar hanging from the wall. My fingers fly across the paper and my heart sinks as I confirm my suspicions. It has already been a month since my last heat.
Dear G o d, what am I going to do? This is so not the time for this to be happening. Caden and I just started making things work out for us and now this heat is about to make a big mess of everything.
I walk towards my bed, falling face down on it. Gripping my pillow I push my face into it and groan but that groan ends in a moan of pain as I clutch my stomach. I have forgotten just how painful these flashes are. I can’t do this on my own. I need Caden.
Pushing through the pain, I force my way into the bathroom because there’s no way that I’m going to let Caden put his hands on me when I stink and still have yesterday’s breath. Absolutely no way
in hell.

I scrub all the necessary areas that need to be scrubbed and hop out, whining and groaning all through the process of pulling my clothes ong
After getting dressed, I race out of my room and up the stairs to Caden’s room, knocking frantically on his door.
A sleepy Caden opens the door, his sweatpants hanging on his hip with his hair a mess. All in all, he looks like a hot mess that I can’t wait to climb. “Alessia, what are you doing here?” He asks in a raspy voice with concern etched on his face. “Did something happen?”
Ignoring his question, I fall into his arms and pull his head down to mine, sighing in relief as I feel his lips on mine. This right here is exactly what I need.
Caden pulls away, panting as he tries to take in air into his lungs with wide eyes. “Is it already happening again?”
I nod, settling for his neck and giving him time to catch his breath. He groans when my teeth sink into his neck.
“Let’s go into my room. I don’t want someone to come across us like this,” he says but I don’t make any attempt to pull away from him or his delicious neck.
Caden groans and slides his hand down my legs, his fingers circling my thighs. He effortlessly lifts me and wraps my legs around his waist. Walking backwards he takes us into the room and I use my foot to slam the door shut behind us, my lips continuing their ministration on his neck.
92% 10.44
Mwk bow Lex make him ours, my wolf growls, trying to make an appearance and take over conyol. I push her down, the memory of what happened the last time she tried something of that vart sell very vivid in my head. I’m not about to have a repeat of that mess.
ke me to bed.” I whisper into his ear before pulling his earlobe between my teeth and biting
on it
Caden growl, his h a rd -o n thickening between my legs. I would love to have that thing inside of me but I know that can’t happen. I’ll just have to make do with what I have. Not that Caden’s mo u t h and ingers are poor substitutes but having his co c k inside of me will probably feel f u c k i n g amazing.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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