Chapter 129
Two weeks later
Caden’s POV
My wolf is dying to be let out. He has been in confinement for more than a f u c k i n g month and he is ready to frolic around and play in the grass
Hence why I’m taking Alessia out on our second naked picnic date.
We get to the clearing where we had our previous date and I lay out our blanket on the grasses, straightening up to find Alessia already stripping down.
I smile at that. It’s a far cry from how she was the first time I brought her into these woods. She had wanted to go behind a tree to strip away from my view.
“What has you smiling like that?” Alessia asks, now completely naked.
Shrugging off my t-shirt -I’ve finally gone back to my preferred choice of clothing- I walk over to her and bend down to steal a quick kiss.
“I just remembered the first time I brought you into these woods,” I say, still smiling. “When you requested a run and I placed a stipulation that I must be with you.” G o d, I was really an a s s h o l e to her.

Her face brightens up and she smiles at me. I remember it.” She leans into my chest, running a fingertip on her mark on my neck. It is something that she has recently taken to doing and I don’t think she realizes that she does it a lot.
I wrap my arms around her waist. Sliding down and gripping her a s, I press her against me. “You were so adorable when you tried to hide behind a tree to get undressed.”
She blushes, her fingers still trailing over my
“Don’t make fun of me,” she pouts.
“I would never,” I say vehemently and she shoots me a playful glare.
Chuckling. I pull away and reach for my last piece of garment, dragging the sweatpants down my legs and chucking them to
the side.
Alessia shifts into her huge light brown wolf and starts circling me as she waits for me to join her.
I close my eyes, picturing my wolf and feeling my bones shifting into place. I land on all fours and take in a deep breath as the wind goes through my fur. I missed this feeling so much and Xavier most especially wouldn’t have been able to handle another day in confinement. I’m thankful those days are now behind us.
I strut towards Zuri, licking the side of her face and getting a soft growl in return. Then I push my nuzzle into her shoulder, tipping her over and putting my weight on her.
She flips me over in the next second, giving me back as good as I gave her. That’s one thing I love about Alessia’s wolf; she never backs down from a challenge.
Pushing her off me, I stand on my paws and start running through the trees knowing that she’ll be right on my heels.
We play around in the woods for hours as a reward to Xavier for not losing his mind these past few weeks. We finally shift
Chapter 129
back to our human form and throw ourselves onto the blanket while panting heavily.
Sitting up, I reach into the basket I brought along and fish out a bottle of water. Taking a big gulp out of it, I pass it over to
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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