A month later.
Alessia’s POV
It’s so hard to keep p it a secret.
I’ve been hiding the fact that I’m pregnant from Caden for a few weeks now. I want to tell him as a gift on his birthday which is just a week from now.
It is hard to keep such a thing a secret when I’m sharing the same space with the man 24/7 but I want to believe that I’m doing a very good job.
Right now, we’re laying on the bed with my head on Caden’s shoulders as he plays with my hair.
“What do you want us to call our baby?” I ask then quickly add, “I mean, it isn’t bad for us to start thinking of names now. Not that I’m pregnant or anything.” I cringe after I’m done, wishing that I had just kept quiet from the very beginning. It will be a miracle if Caden still hasn’t figured out what’s going on here.
“I was thinking Anna. It’s after my mother, Caden answers, twirling a piece of my hair around his fingers. “It would be nice if we could name our daughter after her.”
“Anna,” I repeat, trying the name out for a spin. “It’s a lovely name.” The fact that it holds a sentimental value to him makes the name more beautiful
“And if it’s a boy, then I’m thinking Caden Jr. I don’t need to crane my head up to know that he has a stupi d smirk on his face.
I scoff and hit him on his chest -something that I’ve taken great pleasure in doing now that his wound is completely healed
“I’m not going to be calling our son Caden Jr,’ I say, rolling my eyes. “He needs a name of his own.”

“Well, we have a long time to think of a name for him or her. It’s not like they’re going to be here in a few months.” Caden’s fingers slide through my hair to my back and he wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me closer.
I stiffen at his words. “It wouldn’t be terrible if we had a name now though.” I try to smoothen it all out with a casual shrug.
“Is there something that you want to tell me?” Caden asks suspiciously. His finger slides under my chin and tip my head up to meet his gaze. “What are you hiding?” He asks with an arched brow.
“Nothing.” I say hurriedly and swallow around a lump in my throat. “I’m not hiding anything, I add for good measure.
“You do know that you’re a terrible liar, right?” He questions with an annoying smile on his face. “I can smell it all over you.”
Now, I’m just starting to get annoyed. “I’m not lying,” I object defensively, leveling Caden with a glare and pulling away from
He drags me right back into his arms. “We’ve been living together for months, Alessia. Do you really think that I wouldn’t notice that something is going on with you?”
“You know?” I ask in disbelief.
“Probably before you even figured it out,” he brags.
Chapter 130
Groaning. I cover my face with my hands and bury my face into his chest as it burns in embarrassment. To think I thought I had Caden fooled for weeks, while he was probably laughing within himself as he watched me.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” I accuse, hitting him on the chest again because he deserves it for making me come across a a fool
He groans, clamping my hand in his and acting as though that little punch actually caused him pain.
“It was cute to watch you try to hide it to surprise me.” He smiles down at me. “I also didn’t want to spoil your plans by ruining the surprise.”
“Then why did you just admit to knowing about it?” His birthday is a week from now. He could have just kept mute and let me continue to believe that I had him fooled. It would have saved me from feeling like an idiot.
“I don’t like pretending that I can’t hear you throwing up every morning in the bathroom” He gives me a tender look that has my heart singing. “I want to be beside you to hold your hair over the toilet and force you to eat the meals that you keep picking at.”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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