Chapter 131
Raphael’s POV
Those b a s t a r d s were snuggling up in bed with their mates while I’m up at this ungodly hour and hurling my a s s over to Alessia’s pack. It isn’t fair. Why do they get to stay in bed with their mate while I’m training a bunch of werewolves on how to fight?
It isn’t my
fault that Alessia is nearly on her due date and needs her mate by her side. Neither is it my fault that Alex’s daughter is a tyrant who constantly keeps her parents on their toes and busy. I’m not to blame for any of those so why am I the one suffering the consequences of their actions? The two of them couldn’t keep it in their pants and somehow, I happened to be the one to suffer the fallout.
Though, I guess I could have simply said no to Caden when he came to ask for my help. But my idiot self blabbered out an affirmative answer instead.
Accepting my fate. I run through the woods to Alessia’s pack. At least the weather is perfect for a run and Ethan, my wolf
loves it.
I shift back into my human form once I get to their borders and wear my clothes back on. Then I head to the warrior that’s standing guard at the moment. His posture changes and his spine stiffens as he watches me approach.
“Who are you and what purpose do you have for being here?” He gruffs out, looking at me like I’m the last person he wants to be conversing with. Well, that makes two of us buddy.

Tm Raphael, Caden’s G m m a,” I answer, crossing my arms over my chest and watching as he gets that glazed look in his eyes that signifies that he’s mind-linking someone.
He comes back to reality and nods at me. “You can pass through. They’re expecting you.”
I give him a quick thanks and cross into their border, feeling my pack link dim as I step into another territory.
As I walk towards the pack house, a man steps out the front door and starts heading in my direction. He meets me halfway and stretches out his hand for a handshake which I accept.
“Thanks for taking the time to meet us. I’m sure you had a million other things to attend to,” he states, releasing my hand after a firm handshake.
Actually, I didn’t have a million things to attend to. That’s why I had been the perfect candidate for Caden. I was jobless and withering away in the pack house with nothing to do all day. The only time I left the house was when we did our routine checkups in the evening or when Caden assigned a task to me. Other than those few times, I was a furniture that never left the house.
“I’m happy to help out in any way that I can,” I say, instead of giving the poor man a detailed explanation of just how pathetic my life is
He smiles at me. I’m Henry, the Beta of the pack,” he says, introducing himself.
I remember Caden telling me that Henry was previously the G a m m a of his pack but after the occurrence with Jude and everyone finding out that Alessia was the future Alpha, his position had been moved up to Beta and he had taken over Jude’s duties.
I’m Raphael, Caden’s G a m m a,” I introduce myself as well.
“I’ll show you to the training ground. They’re all there and awaiting your arrival,” he informs, walking in front of me and leading the way.
Chapter 131
I follow behind silently, coming to a halt when we get to a place that looks like a warehouse. Henry pushes open the door and gestures for me to walk in.
The chatters and conversations come to an abrupt stop as we step in. Up to a hundred pairs of eyes observe me, all belonging to people in different age groups, ranging from a couple of middle-aged huddled together in a corner to a group. of teenagers standing in the middle.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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