Chapter 1 3 2
Raphael’s POV
With a pant, I fall onto the couch and close my eyes. It has been so long since I had a training as intense as that, and I have to admit that my muscles are screaming at me. But overall, it was a good first session.
If I was feeling the training this hard then I don’t even want to think about how the others are faring. I did warn them though.
A bottled water gets shoved into my face and 1 trace the water up to the face of the person holding it. Henry shakes it, getting impatient. “Here. I’m sure you need it after that session.
Grateful, I take it out of his outstretched hand and murmur a thank you. Twisting the cap off it, I tip the bottle into my mouth and take a big gulp, sighing when the cold water hits the back of my throat.
I finish it and drop the empty bottle on the table in front of me. As I lift my head back up, I feel a glare directed my way. It was coming from a guy that was present at the training ground. He gives me the stink eye as he passes and I have to hold in a chuckle.
Ok, so maybe I should have taken it easy on them. At this rate, I wouldn’t be surprised if half of them didn’t show up
Henry sighs beside me. “Ignore them. They’ll get used to you soon enough, he reassures and lets out a pained groan as his back hits the sofa. “Though, I think you should tune it down a notch before you kill someone.”
I laugh and he joins in soon enough.
They aren’t bad folks and I don’t mind using my day to train them. I have to admit that it’s so much better than being bored out of my mind in the pack house.

Sitting up straight, I lift from the couch. I should probably start heading back to my pack, I inform Henry and be stands up as well
“Of course. Thanks for coming here again, he repeats for the umpteenth time today.
I place a hand on his shoulder. “My Luna is your Alpha Ok, that title sounds weird out loud but I continue anyway, “I’m, happy to help out her pack in any way that I can.” I give him a firm squeeze and drop my hand from his shoulder.
“Glad you feel that way. I hate to say it, but we need all the help we can get.
No kidding there. They really sucked and I’m not even exaggerating. I really have my work cut out for me. It’s a good time I have a lot of time on my hands with nothing else to do.
Henry walks me to the door and we stay outside for a while, talking about the tactics to use to train them.
That’s when I first get a whiff of the most mouthwatering scent ever. My head moves around as I try to decipher where that delicious smell is coming from.
Henry is talking away but I don’t catch a drift of what he’s saying because my attention is on a beautiful lady that’s fifteen feet away from us and under a huge tree/
She’s surrounded by a dozen kids, who are all trying to get her attention on them. Surprisingly, she’s paying ample attention to each and every one of them and the little monsters are loving it.
Henry finally catches up on the fact that I’m not listening to a word that he’s saying, “Is everything alright?” He asks, following my gaze that’s still on the beautiful lady who’s now hand out cupcakes to the children.
Sat, 4 May
Chapter 182
“Mate!” Ethan growls, trying to take control and head over to the lady that we kneow nothing about. I force him down and turn to Henry.
“Who is she?” I ask tensely. “Why wasn’t she at the training ground?” I add so my interrogation doesn’t come off as weird.
She looks to be in her mid-twenties and seems perfectly healthy. So why didn’t she come to the training?
“That’s Daphne,” he tells me, looking at my mate with a fond expression on his face. He’s old enough to be her father but my head becomes filled with several ways to wipe that look off his face. Permanently.
Daphne. It’s a beautiful name.
It’s as beautiful as her. I wonder what her wolf’s name is? Ethan questions
Pipe down, I warn. Ethan has this attitude of attacking with full force. He doesn’t know how to take things inch by inch. It’s a trait that could very well scare our mate away.
Akid whispers something into Daphne’s ear and she tilts her head back and lets out a beautiful laugh.
She’s so f u c k i n g beautiful. I haven’t even had the chance to talk to her yet but I’m already bewitched.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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