Chapter 28


It hasn't even been a full twenty-four hours and I'm al- ready going crazy about Ledger being gone. I don't know how mates deal with losing their mates in death because mine is still alive, but I feel like dying without having him here with me. I feel like it's all my fault and that's why I am going with Quinn to go get them. I am willing to die myself to get Ledger back here where he belongs. It makes no difference that I've only known him a few days, he's our mate, and so he is our life.

Cici is pissed that she has to stay behind, but the little minx has no combat skills really, and will be no use to Quinn once they are over in England. I'm in search of my little mate now because we will be leaving within the hour, and I want to give her a little going away present or should I say that I want her to give me one.

"Here you are!" I find her in the library going through a stack of books, "What are you doing?' I ask as I close the door and silently lock it.

"I'm trying to find something that will tell us a little more about the Shikari or just witches in general. There's got to be something that that says how we are able to stop them." My beautiful mate explains all of this without taking her eyes off the book she is flipping through.

I walk over to the table she's sitting at and glance at what she's reading as I also take in what she is wearing. Lucky for me, my mate loves her skirts, so this ought to be easy. I slide the book that she is looking at forward, towards the middle of the table.

"Hey, what are you doing? I was looking at that!" She's irked at me, but I don't care. There is only one thing that I care about right now and that's getting into my mate's sweet body.

Without saying a word, I haul her up to her feet and shove her over the table, only then do I finally say something, "Keep reading gorgeous. I'm going to fuck this pussy of yours before I go."

"Oh! Well, why didn't you say..." She starts to turn but I shove her back down with my hand between her shoulder blades.

"No. You will continue doing what you're doing while I use your body for my own gratification." I know she loves it when I take control like this, and I can already smell her arousal.

"Oh baby..."

my cock, aren' t you?" I kick her legs apart and then take

have her coming in no time at all, but I don't stop there; I'

bring it up, opening her up, so I can get deeper as I take her hard and fast. I love that my

pretty little mate, do you want to watch me fuck our other mate the same way I

"Oh, my Goddess...yes!"

will bring him home and I will take him just like this and let you watch, but you need to be a

will be

fuck my mate as though it's the last time I will ever fuck her, and it may be the last time, but I pray to the Goddess that it's not. I thrust one last time inside of her and release myself deep inside. I don't knot her; I don't want to take the chance of getting her

we can get. I just hope we all make it out of there

that if things get rough, you will back off and come back to the jet? I need you to make it

are going to rescue, and I will not back

try." I look over at my own Luna who is flipping through

about asking that of me,

sigh heavily, "It's really hard to do my job when working with stubborn Alphas and

blinking dot, is right outside of London. Once we are fully in the air, I lose contact with my mate and so does Quinn. It's a bit harrowing not to have that line of communication open to Cici anymore. I'm so used to feeling her within me that it's become a part of me and now it feels as though a piece of me is missing. I didn' t have that connection

seem bothered by it one bit, "You get used to it when you fly as many times as I do."

you fly, and where do

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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