Chapter 29

I've been thinking a lot about the Shikari, but only be- cause my mate is one. I want to learn about his heritage, yes, but I also want to learn whether or not there is a way to stop them if they were to attack. I don't want to be useless in the fight and that's exactly what I will be when that time comes because I sure ain't going to kill anyone with my sense of fashion or my good looks!

I should have listened to my best friend all those years ago and trained alongside her. Even if I'd never be as good as her, at least I would be able to hold my own in a battle. But no, I was always too concerned with the next fashion line coming out or which guy I was going to let get into my pants. There are a lot of things that I regret but not training or saving my- self for my mate are my two biggest ones.

My mind wanders back to earlier when Spencer found me in the library. Unplanned sex is always great, but it was differ- ent this time. It was almost as though he was desperate. I know him too well to know that he was worried that he wouldn't return to me, but I have complete faith in my best friend. I know Quinn would give her life to make sure he made it home to me, and even though I don't like it, that's just the way she is.

I'm just getting back to my search of the Shikari when one of the kitchen staff comes to me with the cordless phone, "Ci- ci! You need to take this right away!" The she-wolf says excit- edly, and I don't understand why but I smile with excitement

myself before I even know who's on the line.

Bringing the phone to my ear, I answer, "Hello, this is Beta Cici, how can I help you?"

"Mm, it's so good to hear your beautiful voice." The low and sexy voice on the other side of the line says, sending tin- gles down my spine.

"Ledger?" I whisper, completely shocked to be hearing his voice right now.

"The one and only. How's my girl?" He sounds different, al- most like everything is totally fine.

"I'm good, but I will be better once you're home. How are you and the Alpha holding up?"

"I'm good for the moment, my father has no idea that I have my wolf because I'm wearing this annoying silver bracelet, so he won't figure it out, but on a good note, I've got both my magic and my memory back!"


as though you're sad about my news."

back? Does that mean that you won't be coming back?" I can feel the sting in my eyes, but I hold the

home now." Relief floods me at hearing him say these words, "By the way, how is Spencer? I'm assuming he's still there, please say they left him and the head warrior

Him, along with Luna Quinn and Alpha Deke are on a jet heading


in his voice at his question, "What's wrong? I would have thought you

do they even know where we are

has a tracker implanted in

This isn't

"What... why?"

England. He has wards all over the country for whenever a shifter steps foot

can't contact any of them and I'm sure I can't get her on the phone. I can call over to the Sun River pack and talk to the Beta, maybe he can

a close eye on my arse at the moment. If you get a hold of them, tell them to turn back because they will not make it out of here alive! I will teleport us back to the pack tomorrow, but you must prepare for a fight because my father will follow. Gather as many allies as you can, love, and be


"Yes, love?"

of yourself and the Alpha and get your ass

it takes to come


staring at the phone in my hand. Suddenly, I remember what he said about the wards, and I dial up Sun River's pack house. It

answered! We need to stop the pilot from

is this?" He asks in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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