Chapter 51


It's so good to see my annoying former instructor once again; I can kiss her at the moment as she moves towards me to help me get this collar off. I can't wait to be able to talk with Kiki once again. I know it hasn't been that long but almost two days is longer that I ever want to go without her.

"Ha! Good luck getting it's spelled." Colin sneers.

My former teacher snickers as she glances back at him, and then turns back to me. Waving her hand, she mumbles something and then there is a click, and the collar falls to the floor, barely missing my toes.

"How is that possible?" Colin watches, stunned.

"You're not a very good witch if you don't study every as- pect, especially when a full moon is involved. Wards are use- less at its peak..." Beatrice explains.

"But only blood from my mother's side works on opening it." He stammers.

"Again, useless at the moon's peak, but I'll let you in on a little secret... I'm your mother's older sister, so I would have opened it regardless."

We all gape at the witch's confession.

Her chuckle is an amusing one, "You all have a little drool hanging out. Shut your traps and let's go home. We can deal

with him when we get back, but we must hurry."

My mates come to me, wrapping me in their warmth, al- most squeezing the life from me but I let them have their fill. Once they begin to let up on their hold, I don't waste any more time and I teleport us back to our home, and back to our pack.

"Oh, my baby!" I'm mauled as soon as we appear back in the packhouse. My mom and Aunt Quinn, shoving my mates out of the way to hug and kiss me.

I giggle, "I missed you too, Mom, but can you please give me back to my mates? We haven't had time together yet."

"Oh my, I'm so sorry, but hey, they didn't push you out of their vagina, so I have first dibs!" Leave it to my mother to state this in front of a room full of people.

I look

back, sis." He kisses my temple and then steps away as he

to pull me from the room but my dad stops

say," Decker states, "but for now,


when he begins to take

and grins, "Already syphoned it. He was

if you syphoned the magic from the fifty-two females in your harem each month." I stare at Colin with such rage and all he does is

you serious right

me to it

and grab Ash as he goes for

that you have taken her only precious son." He has the audacity to blow a kiss at me and my other father hauls of and decks him

daddy." I go over and

tightly, "Nobody hurts

at my parents, I sigh, "I guess that' s my cue. We will catch up later after

Emmett gags, and both

other hand, couldn't be prouder,

every- one who matters to me, but

Decker says

damn much..." Hold- en growls as he

time tonight, Emery, so don't plan on leaving this suite before morning."

their hold, not that I want to, but their scent is

around my neck, "Have you missed us

"You know I have...."

to show

Alpha, but you need to prove it as well." I

prove just how much we've

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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