Chapter 52


I wake up long before my brothers and Emery. As I near the kitchen on my way to start some coffee, I can already smell the delicious aroma and know that I'm not the first early riser of the day. Before I even enter, I know exactly who it is that beat me to the first cup of joe, even the second cup be- cause both fathers-in-laws are sitting at the table when I en- ter.

"Good morning, you're up early." I state as I make my way over to the coffee pot.

"We wanted to get an early head start on my dear broth- er." Ledger smirks.

"What do you mean, a head start?" I lean against the counter and sip on the hot liquid.

"We were up until the wee hours, catching up, but appar- ently Colin can't hang. I spelled him so he could heal slowly over night, just so we could start all over this morning."

"Why don't you just kill him? I mean, the torture is nice, I guess, but I'd rather just be rid of him." These are my thoughts any way; not sure what the others think about it, though.

The former Beta sighs, "Your mother reminded us that we have to go through the Elder's first. We need to present the situation to them and hope that they grant us the power to decide for ourselves."

"Are you fucking serious? They will only end up saying no and sentencing him to a life in prison like they did with that Alpha that sat down there for years before he found a way to off himself. That should have been my mother's kill, not let him have the coward's way out!" I can't believe that we have to deal with the Elders on this!

"It may be different. Alpha Benjamin was one of us, a shifter, and an Alpha at that. Yes, he should have been exe- cuted for all the lives that he took in search of your mother, but the Elder's thought life in prison would be worse than death. Colin, he isn't a shifter, and because he is Ledger's blood, I'm hoping that they will take his plea into account." Spencer squeezes his mate's hand.

"I think it's time that the Queen and King get rid of the El- der's for that purpose. I feel that they have grown soft in their old age." I scowl.

and each time they tried they were one, and then two packs short of getting the winning

mates challenged him?" We all look towards the door where Emery stands, and I automatically turn and make

up to plant a kiss on my cheek after I hand her the mug, "Thank you, baby." She smiles and it

"You're welcome."

a challenge?"

Holden's bio mom for Uncle Declan? Why can't my mates

already ours, there is no challenge to be had."

hers." My

I think your dad wants this fight." I chuckle

he will never be a threat to my daughter again." My


afraid that's not going to happen." Another new voice joins in on the conversation and all of our eyes fall on

quick to ask but I place my arm around her waist and pull her back against

call for the last hour with the El- ders and even though one of them is against it, they are giv- ing me permission to punish the bastard as I see fit. They don' t take kindly to incest apparently," she scoffs, "So, I'm letting you handle this situation as you see fit,

Mom!" I fist pump the air and she smirks as she pours herself the last cup from

make another pot; your brothers will be down shortly." She

asleep for a while yet." I tell

for them to wake up." She chuckles and walks back out

cackle. We all have a good laugh and

watch her sicko son die before we end her as well? I want to grab him by his balls and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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