Chapter 484 Help Me, Elias!

“Enough talking. Now, please leave my house. It seems like we aren’t meant for each other, and I’ll explain it to my parents.”

Simon now fully understood that if he didn’t like Violet, he should be more honest with her. It was the only kind thing to do.

Leading her on without telling her he wasn’t interested in her would only hurt her in the end.

“Simon, how could you? We-” Violet was on the verge of tears. She just realized that Simon. was really angry, and no words could appease his anger.

“Please leave. It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have made it difficult for both of us. When it comes to love, you either have feelings for that person, or you feel nothing at all. Time won’t change anything.” Simon made it clear. He didn’t want to have anything to do with Violet anymore.

“Simon, don’t do this to me. I’ve learned from my mistakes. It won’t happen again. I didn’t mean to hurt her. I was just too angry at that moment. She has explained everything to me, clarifying that there’s nothing between you two. Now, I believe her. I really do.”

Violet’s mind was in chaos. She wished to get Amanda to back her, but she didn’t know where to begin.

Her attitude gave Simon a headache. He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath before saying, “Miss Lynch, our parents only introduced us to each other in the hope. that we

could get along. Obviously, I’ve tried, but we aren’t meant to be. So, let’s not waste each other’s time.”

“You only had meals with me once and even left halfway through that time. What gives you the right to make that conclusion? You’re only angry because I chased that woman away! Why do you have to jump to conclusions? I’ll find her and bring her back! Just you wait!” After that, Violet turned around and ran away without looking back. She was afraid that staying would give him the chance to say more hurtful words to her.

Watching her run away, Simon sighed softly and looked at the nanny. “Just wait at home. If Amanda comes back, call me immediately. I’m going out to find her.”

“All right, but Mr. Nicholson, please take a coat with you. When Miss Bailey left, she was still wearing the same clothes as when she first arrived here. Even more, the clothes aren’t completely dry.”

statement as he waited

her health! Has she gone to Elias

but considering Elias” fierce expression and his admission that he would imprison her if

did she

turned dark. The night fell on Imperia.

wandered down the streets

to sleep on a

couples in the park, feeling a pang of bitterness. What’s wrong with up

She suddenly

she noticed the watch on her wrist. She remembered that it was a prestigious brand. Since it was a gift from Elias before he lost his memory, she decided to sell the watch. Otherwise, she would have to sleep on the streets

could afford to stay in a hotel tonight. However, she didn’t

choosing the inn because it began

poor sanitation, and the room was too small,

room and decided to make do for one night and find. another place

door-knocking from outside. She stared. at the door in fear, shouting,

huddle in her bed, not daring to move.

to the door as she tried to see who was outside through the

quivered in fear. She looked through the peephole, only to

sight frightened her. Stumbling, she fell to the floor. Her eyes widened, and her face paled. Did I just see

knocking on the door started again. Each knock was louder than the last, giving her a

her legs go weak. She crawled onto the bed to pick up her phone. The first. number that came to her mind was Elias’. It was the only number she could remember, as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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