Chapter 487 Clever Amanda

The man chuckled. “We can capture you precisely because you don’t have any identification documents on you. What’s the point of wandering around? Let me introduce you to a job. I guarantee that you’ll live a good life.”

“What kind of job?”

Amanda narrowed her eyes. She already knew what business this man was into.

She was also not likely to be the first victim.

“It’s nothing special. What can country bumpkins even do? There is nothing special about you except for your pretty face. Did you think I would really let you manage a club? Your job is simple. Just sleep with the men. I don’t need to teach you anything, right? Every woman knows how to do it. The only difference is in your obedience. If you’re obedient, you’ll suffer less. Otherwise…”

At that moment, a scream of pain came from the next room.

The man glanced at the wall behind him and said, “Did you hear that? If you don’t listen, you’ll suffer like her. It’s your choice.”

Amanda’s heart clenched when she heard the woman’s scream. She could not help but scowl.

Suddenly, a thought struck her mind, and she smiled, saying, “Of course, I don’t want to suffer. I’ll definitely be obedient!”

She needed to find a way to escape. One look at the men standing guard outside, and she knew she could not overpower them with force. She had to outsmart them.

She did not even have a phone with her now, so there was no way for her to call for help. She also could not escape if she were locked up in a room with no windows.

She had to leave this room first.

The man heartily laughed. “You’re smarter than the others. Among the women we caught over the past few days, you’re the most beautiful. Who said beautiful women are brainless? You’re quite clever and good at adapting to your situation.”

Amanda remained silent.

The man seemed relieved as he continued, “Alright, wait here. Since you’ve decided to be obedient, I’ll have someone bring you food. You can eat, take a shower, and then go to work in two hours”


These sc*mbags!

many girls had

leave when

you changing your

just find the woman next door annoying. How can I rest with her screaming like that? Why don’t I go over and talk

up and down,

could he trust this woman to persuade the other woman? Amanda was not just beautiful, but she

“Yes. I’ll


annoying. If she keeps screaming like this, it


whole days. She won’t compromise. Do you really think a few words from you work?” The man did not believe

woman, and women connect easily with other women. Anyway, we can’t escape now. We can’t even die, so why should we suffer so much? Even if we escape, life won’t be easy. It’s better to

man as he laughed and said, “You are right to think like. that. If those women were more like you,


to her. I really don’t

you ten minutes. Once the time is


not just do nothing as the woman next door

door open, and gestured for the men beating and torturing the


inside the room to monitor everything and hear every

as she sobbed. It was

woman up, but the woman jerked and

hands, Amanda asked, “What’s your

you care about my name? You filthy scoundrels, get out! I

her, she whispered in the poor

me hear it! You are to dissuade her from fighting, not to add. fuel to the fire!” the man

a moment, the woman visibly

arms and gently said in a coaxing voice, “Stop struggling. Since we are here, we can’t escape. If we can’t escape, we should find a way to suffer less. What can you achieve by being beaten up?

stared blankly at Amanda as if she were wondering what Amanda whispered

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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