Chapter 495 Are They Deeply in Love With Each Other?

There was still no answer. He couldn’t wait any longer. He wanted to push the bathroom door open but found that it was locked from the inside. When he turned around and saw th mess in the room, he knew there had been a struggle.

He felt a sharp pain in his heart. He kicked the bathroom door open and was shocked by what he saw inside.


At that moment, Amanda was lying on the floor and surrounded by broken glass. There was a cut on her wrist, and blood was slowly flowing and dripping into the drain.

His legs suddenly felt weak, and tears welled up in his eyes. He rushed over and lifted Amanda from the pool of blood while pressing his thin lips against her pale forehead. “Don’t be afraid. I’ll take you to the hospital. Hold on.”

Although Amanda had already fallen into a coma, there were still signs of life.

The bodyguards outside the door and the people in the club were arguing. Moon stood anxiously by, not knowing how Amanda was doing.

Suddenly, the door was pulled open!

Everyone turned their heads and saw Elias holding Amanda, who had cut her wrist, and they were all dumbfounded.

Moon covered her mouth in shock. How could this happen? How could Amanda…

“Get the car ready!”

“Yes!” The bodyguard turned and headed toward the stairwell, leaving the elevator for Elias.

Elias hurriedly carried Amanda toward the elevator, and his lips were constantly whispering to her, “Hold on. We’ll be at the hospital soon, and everything will be fine.”

Late at night at the hospital.

They continued the efforts to save Amanda’s life until the early hours of the morning, and she finally regained consciousness and was sent back to her hospital room.


Elias stayed by her bedside while waiting for her to wake up.

the room. She wanted to go in but was afraid to do so as t door

doctor called Elias to sign some documents that he walked out of the roc

she immediately stood up. “Mr. Winters, how is Amanda?

had climbed out of the

all of this.

because Moon was too slow in finding Elias. If she had found him sooner, Amanda wouldn’t

to leave before I come back from the doctor’s office. I don’t

see someone other than me as the first

wanted to be the first person Amanda saw when she woke up. He couldn’t explain why he fe

and walked into the hospital

beside him and


face was as pale as paper, and she had bandages wrapped around her wrists. They were still stained

I’m sorry. I was

didn’t dare exert too much force as she feared


because Elias had said that she had to leave before he came back. She didn’t

their private time.



hospital room and happened

voice, “Go home. I’m here. I won’t let anything happen. to

Winters, you must love


was in love before the amnesia caused by the accident, but there were still many mysteries to be solved. He couldn’t jump

the man’s silence meant agreement, so she continued, “I finally understand why Amanda was

Elias was puzzled. “Confident?”

help, and she still believed that we would escape. She even comforted me and said you would come to save her. At that time, I thought she was naive, but now it seems that I was the naive one. Today, I saw you holding her, and if I were her, I would also be confident like her. I

furrowed his brow. “What are you talking about, and what do you


“What I mean is, there is a spiritual connection between you two. Only those deeply in love can have this kind of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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