Chapter 506 Casey Carter

“Simon, when will you stop fooling around?”

All heads turned in the direction of the voice. It was Simon’s father and the head of the Lawrence Family.

Simon saw his father approaching and closed his eyes as if he already knew what his father would say and how he would punish him.

Tobias Lawrence stormed through the crowd and walked straight up to Simon. “You little brat! It’s bad enough that you have a child out of wedlock, but what’s worse is that found

you the wrong child and mother! When did you become so incompetent? How can I trust you to manage the entire Lawrence family?”

Simon looked impatient. “I can handle it myself.”

“What are you handling? You’ve only made things worse! How can we continue to cooperate with Cludan?”

Simon remained silent. He was already filled with anger, and his father’s scolding only made him more irritated.

What puzzled Simon now was that if Dulcie was his daughter, then who was her biological mother?

However, Elias was no longer interested in the Lawrence Family’s affairs and said in a deep. voice, “Mr. Lawrence, please hand over my son now. Do I need to pay two months of child support before you can do that?”

The sarcastic tone in the man’s words provoked Tobias. He frowned and looked at the butler. “Bring both the children here!”

“Yes, sir.” The butler nodded and left.

After seeing the DNA test results, Melissa was still shocked and couldn’t snap out of it. She stumbled up to Simon. “Weren’t you the man I spent the night with at Dawn Hotel four years. ago?”

said coldly, “I can now confirm. that the woman from that

the child isn’t yours, but what about your mother? She


of her own mother and widened her eyes. “Right! My mother! She

slept with Simon, the high and mighty heir of the Lawrence Family. Had she

the bodyguard, who immediately got

sat on the sofa, looking furious but unable to vent his anger as Elias was here. He didn’t

the butler brought in

Aiden immediately spotted his parents and happily rushed over, throwing

She bent down to hug the little boy, who seemed to

of Aiden’s cute voice and trembled slightly. He turned around

into a

a mad woman to grab Dulcie while

frightened and started crying. “Mommy, I’m Dulcie…

saw this scene, she quickly stepped forward and pulled Melissa away, saying, “What are you doing? Have you gone crazy? How could you treat

anything about this? The DNA test result just came out, and this child is not mine at all! I’m not related by blood to this

Mary froze for a moment, seemingly not too surprised, and just comforted

already figured it out. Mary clearly

Dulcie from Mary’s arms, saying, “Tell me, what’s going on? Why is this child in

T-I don’t know!”


Fine, then you and your daughter will spend the rest of your lives in that small underground

said, “Let the child get. some rest. She’s not allowed

carried Dulcie away while Dulcie kept crying and calling for her grandma. Mary’s heart was breaking as she raised her granddaughter with

talk! This child… I picked her up at the hospital…” Mary finally told

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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