Chapter 510 Amanda Gets Jealous

In the following days, Amanda and Elias had a wonderful time in New Montana with their child. Then, they began their journey back to Cludan.

They opted for a private plane on their return, which made Elias relatively comfortable. He didn’t suffer as much this time.

However, they unexpectedly encountered an acquaintance when they landed at Imperial Airport.

Elias and Amanda stopped in their tracks while Aiden exclaimed from behind, “It’s that stranger!”

Amanda gently held Aiden’s hand and whispered, “Shh, be quiet.”

Upon hearing the shout, Symeon turned around and spotted the three of them. He was. somewhat surprised but also felt that it was expected.

He was surprised that Elias had stayed in New Montana for a few days before returning.

Instead of walking away, Elias approached Symeon and asked, “Why are you in Cludan? What brings you here?”

There was a hint of aggression in Elias’ tone, as if he would attack at any moment.

“I was exiled here to receive punishment. Does that answer satisfy you?” Symeon didn’t evade the question. He knew that Elias harbored a deep hatred toward him.

Elias snorted. “What do you mean? Coming to Cludan is considered exile? I think you’re here to enjoy yourself. If you truly were exiled, you should be thrown to a faraway place. Your father is too lenient.”

Symeon fell silent. He could feel Elias’ anger, but it was his fault for detaining their son for several months. It was a consequence of his actions.

Symeon’s gaze shifted to Amanda and Aiden, who were behind Elias.

There was a time when he truly believed that Amanda and Aiden were his, but it turned out to be a huge misunderstanding.

This sense of loss and regret lingered for a long time.

Noticing Symeon’s gaze, Elias stood between the two, saying, “Didn’t the Lawrence Family teach you that it’s impolite to stare at someone’s wife in public?”



say anything. He simply smiled and turned to his bodyguard, ready

“What are you doing? In public,

him. From now on, I will be at odds with him,” Elias said, lowering his head to pick up Aiden and lead Amanda away from

At the Winters Estate.

car and. said, “Mr. Winters, you have finally returned. Miss Momsey heard you were coming back today and had been waiting

expression instantly changed. Rosie

I will go and meet her. Take Aiden back to the

concerned. “Are you sure? She can be


me. Women’s matters should be handled by

didn’t say anything more. Instead, he

followed Boris, who led her to

looking lifeless. As soon as

around and saw that it was Amanda, the joy on her

you the only one who

of the Winters Estate. If I can’t be here,



Elias, and the child isn’t even his.

no misunderstanding anymore. Your dream is now shattered. Hurry up and leave. Seeing that you’ve saved Aiden before,

quite skilled to have brushed off such a big matter as a misunderstanding. What happened to Eli? How could he trust you so much? Where is he? I want to see him

ruckus. Amanda felt like her

you can keep waiting. We, as a family of three, are going to have dinner.

left without even looking

angry that she picked up the coffee cup on the tea table and threw it on the ground. “I don’t know what you have done to Elias. Why does he trust you so much?

Even hypnosis didn’t work.

She refused to surrender.

at Rosie, who looked like she was about to collapse. She said, “First of all, you don’t have to pay for the broken cup because you saved Aiden. Secondly, love doesn’t need to be forced. If he likes me, he likes me. If he doesn’t like. me, that’s it. You are not his type at all. Even if he cheats on me, he won’t choose give up. You can

on the couch. Her mind was

even choose her

she stared at Amanda’s departing figure, her eyes were

you. Just

Amanda live happily ever after? No,

couldn’t have him, Amanda

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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