Chapter 512 Symeon’s Phone Call

The following morning, Symeon heard Dulcie whimpering in her bed. He thought it might be another one of her nightmares and reluctantly got up to comfort her. However, when he reached her bedside, he was startled to see the child’s cheeks were rosy. Instinctively, he touched her forehead and realized she had a fever. Panic washed over him, and he shouted. angrily, “Anyone! The child has a fever!”

The nanny hurried to the room and asked, “Mr. Lawrence, what happened? How did she get a fever?”

He was furious and scolded her, “How dare you ask! You slept like a log and weren’t even aware when the child left the room!”

However, the nanny was at a loss for words and didn’t know how to respond to the scolding.

Then, Symeon reached for his phone and called his private doctor, urgently asking him to

come over.

In about half an hour, the doctor arrived at the villa.

After giving Dulcie some fever-reducing medicine, the doctor reassured him, “The child must have caught a cold. Also, her fever will go down after taking the medicine. Just give her the remaining dose in two hours and keep her warm. Ensure she gets plenty of rest and. drinks warm water. Don’t worry because she’ll be okay in a few days.”

Symeon finally breathed a sigh of relief, wondering how the child had caught a chill. He couldn’t help but question if he had covered her with a blanket last night.

At that moment, Dulcie, softly crying in her sleep, murmured, “Mommy… Mommy…


Whenever someone fell ill, their emotions could be affected, and this was especially true for children. However, Symeon was a grown man and didn’t know how to comfort a sick child. What should I do?

Seeing the unwell child in bed, Symeon felt helpless. He realized the nanny was unreliable, and no other woman was around to comfort the little one. Suddenly, someone came to his


time for Aiden to go to kindergarten.




up and get ready. Grab your backpack,


Aiden, and assured Amanda, “I’ll take him to

the couch and was bored since Elias had left for work early that morning to

moment, the nanny rushed downstairs and said, “Madam, your phone has been ringing for a

over.” Amanda took the phone and saw an unfamiliar number. After hesitating momentarily, she swiped the screen to answer.

“It’s me.”

Symeon’s. She couldn’t understand why he was calling her. She had hoped to have no further dealings with him after all the suffering he

Her tone was far from friendly, given the pain he



be so hostile? I’m not calling to cause trouble but to seek your

do to help you?” Amanda couldn’t fathom why. Symeon, with his influential family background, would

anymore. I plan to help her find her biological mother, but right now… I’m struggling to take care of her. Can you come and take a look? You’re

to see him, but she couldn’t ignore the plight of an innocent child. Dulcie was just a three-year-old girl, and with her grandmother and mother absent, she must be frightened. Additionally, given the man’s somber disposition, it was only natural for

Amanda reluctantly agreed, “Okay, send

the phone, she started to regret her decision. She knew that Elias would be furious if he knew about this, but it could upset



dialed his number to let him know. However, he didn’t answer after several attempts. Frustrated,

answer the phone;

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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