Chapter 528 The Truth

Symeon shot a glance at the bodyguard behind him and said, “Get the report.”

The bodyguard nodded and left.

Then, the bodyguard returned with the DNA test within a minute. Simon took it and threw it right into the woman’s arms.

“Take a look for yourself. What’s the use of denying it? The fact is right in front of you.”

Casey opened the file folder with an incredulous expression on her face. Then, she quickly flipped through the pages and found that she and Dulcie truly had a parent-child relationship!

What did this mean?

Was she Dulcie’s biological mother?

She held onto the DNA test results with shaky hands, unable to believe her

own eyes. She had never had a boyfriend or any intimate relationship with a man. Forget the man before her, how could she possibly have a daughter?

What was going on?

So, Casey slowly raised her head and looked at the man’s handsome face. Eventually, she started shaking her head, saying, “It’s impossible, absolutely impossible. How could this be…”

The DNA test slipped from her hand and fell to the ground as she turned and fled as though the hellhounds were snapping at her heels.

The bodyguard was about to chase after her, but Symeon stopped him. “There’s no need to chase her. She knows everything; she just doesn’t want to admit it. A woman like her is not. worthy of being my child’s mother.”

The bodyguard nodded solemnly.

Casey ran all the way out of Galaxy Bay and only stopped after running a long distance. Once she did, she started gasping for breath.

Her mind was filled with images of the DNA test. She still couldn’t accept this reality.

How could this be…





that she didn’t

brother chatting and laughing.

and the smile on the woman’s face disappeared. “What’s wrong with you? How could you come home without even greeting us? Is

at her young stepmother. “Well, this is how I live my life. What can you

the opportunity to tarnish her image in front of her father. Once that happened, that would only make their

Casey’s father, came downstairs and said, “Casey, why are you being so rude to Aunt Eleanor? You’re not a child anymore, don’t you have any manners? Is this how I’ve taught

Eleanor saw that Philip was here, she immediately put on a different face and said kindly, “Philip, don’t blame Casey. She’s a grown-up now,

How hypocritical.

want to waste even a second looking at this pretentious woman. So, she turned. to

by her father. “Look at you, and look at your younger brother. Your

Younger brother?

in his old age. Regardless, she always had a niggling feeling that this younger brother came at a strange time. Regrettably, she had

just want my mother and I to have our rightful share

trying to make me angry!

fact, he was so angry that he almost fainted due

said, “Hey, why are you getting angry with

me so angry. She’s already twenty-four years old! How can she still be considered a child? She’s as stubborn as her mother. They’re both as stubborn as a mule,” Philip complained as he made himself

inwardly, Thank God I killed the child Casey had given birth to. Otherwise, there would be even more trouble brewing before I could get my hands on the

and noble man in the past. If Casey had given. birth

Casey back then with the intention of sending her to the bed of a fat and disgusting gangster with the hopes of ruining Casey’s reputation in

a twist of fate, she sent this little b*tch to

and powerful man. So, when she discovered

out about the child when Casey gave birth as the hospital called to ask the family

pillow, utterly lost in thought. She didn’t


didn’t want to admit it, but she couldn’t lie about

did she give birth to this child? Dulcie looked like she was already three! Regardless, she was more than certain that she was only 24 this year! So, was it possible that she had given birth when

it still didn’t explain the fact that she had no

this child come into

seemed too unbelievable. Now that she had more time to herself


noon. Since he hadn’t figured

evening by the time he


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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