Chapter 534 He’s Already Married?!

Symeon’s face showed surprise, followed by laughter. “What are you dreaming about? Give Dulcie to you? Are you even worthy? Why do you think you, a mother who refused to acknowledge her existence, can take care of Dulcie?”

“I didn’t know before, but now that I’ve seen the paternity test results, although I still can’t remember, I will slowly accept it. I believe if Dulcie stays with me, I will eventually recall everything.”

She had never intended to shirk her responsibility; she simply knew nothing.

“No need, I will take care of my daughter. I can provide for her. So, you don’t need to worry. You can go find your man and get married. And since that night was just an accident, it doesn’t matter.”

Symeon didn’t take that one night seriously; it was only because of the appearance of this little life that he felt responsible.

“Since you have a woman you like, why won’t you give Dulcie back to me? In the future, you will marry another woman and continue to have children. Dulcie will have a stepmother! I won’t allow it!”

Symeon burst into laughter out of anger. “You won’t allow it? Who are you to not allow it? Where were you for the past three years? If I hadn’t brought Dulcie before you, would you have remembered her?”

Once again, Casey was left speechless. After all, she had indeed been irresponsible. However, she had to fight for Dulcie’s custody. She couldn’t let her daughter call another woman “Mom.” What if that stepmother treated Dulcie poorly? If Symeon had other children in the future, would he still treat Dulcie as well? Human hearts were naturally biased, so favoritism. was inevitable.

Casey bit her lip and turned away. Convincing this man wouldn’t be


Suddenly, she remembered Symeon’s conversation with that woman earlier that day.

It seemed that the woman had a family, and there was no sign of her wanting a divorce. Symeon would probably have a hard time pursuing her.

At that, she turned back to Symeon and said, “The woman you like has a family, right? What if I help you win her over? In return, can you give Dulcie back to me? After all,

you will continue to have children with her in the future. You might even prefer the children you have with her. So, let Dulcie stay with me.”



climb into his bed back then, secretly give birth, and

Amanda’s husband was

what Casey was capable of that could break up Elias and Amanda.

capture Elias’ heart.

is not someone ordinary people can seduce. You’re too confident in

don’t care if you think I’m confident or not. As long as I succeed, that’s all that matters!

is that you give Dulcie back to me.” Casey hadn’t even realized what she was saying; she


impossible task. No woman could capture Elias’ heart except Amanda. Symeon had some knowledge of Elias from their few interactions before. At that time, Elias had shown no interest in women, and it had been puzzling when he suddenly got

turned and entered the room to


I’m about to destroy someone else’s family. But what

returned home, she lay in bed tossing and turning, unable to

someone else’s family made her feel like


Symeon should be happy. After all, Symeon appeared to be a talented and mysterious man

couldn’t understand why any

What was she doing? It was as if she were actively helping



Suddenly, her phone rang.

it to find a call from Elias. She had his number saved,

expect him to call her on

admit that she had a favorable impression of this man. After all, he had saved

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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