Chapter 539 Did Amanda Really Betray Elias?

Inside the study…

Amanda hadn’t visited just to speak to Symeon but also to search for the bid proposal he might have hidden in his study.

Recently, Lawrence Group had been consistently opposing Winters Enterprise, and Elias had been visibly anxious in the past few days. If they failed in this bid once again, the members. of the Winters Family would surely cause trouble.

They were already eager to remove Elias from his position as president, and they couldn’t afford to leave any leverage behind.

Amanda searched Symeon’s study for a long time but didn’t find any useful information. Instead, she accidentally lost one of the buttons on her blouse, and her hair was slightly disheveled.

Maybe it’s not in the study…” Amanda muttered softly. Moreover, she didn’t find any safes or storage boxes here. She only wanted to find the bid proposal, so she didn’t open any of the other documents she came across.

Suddenly, the sound of a man’s footsteps came from outside the study.

Symeon has returned!

Amanda quickly returned to her seat, pretending to have been waiting for a long time. She fanned herself with her hand, creating the illusion of impatience, and waited for Symeon to enter the room.

Suddenly, the study door was pushed open. Symeon entered the study and immediately spotted the back of a woman sitting across the desk.

for a

Amanda turned to look at him and said, “You’re finally back. I’ve been waiting for you long time. Your nanny didn’t even want to turn on the air conditioning for me. It’s so hot in here.”

“Why did you wait for me in the study then? You could have waited in the living room,” Symeon said as he sat down at the desk, observing Amanda across from him. Her cheeks were flushed, seemingly from the heat.

to cause such discomfort. Amanda’s appearance seemed more like she

  1. take a look at your study I didn’t expect it to be so neat, with hardly any books Amanda remarked putting down her hand that had


bookshelves behind him and smirked. “I’ve just moved here,

discuss with you, but

like these were considered trade secrets, and

you know I won’t?” Symeon sensed that her intentions might not

decided to speak up, “I want to know the content

of Elias? Is Elias so useless now that he sends you here to use your charm on me? Do you think

Of course, I know this is a trade secret and can’t be disclosed casually. But could you please be more polite? This has nothing to do with Elias. He has no idea about my visit. If

said. a word to me. Have you forgotten why you came here, or have

the desk, and said, “What exactly do you

the bush.”

stood up, circled the desk, and walked up to her. He helped her fix her collar, where the button had come undone. “Is Elias so broke now that he can’t even afford decent clothes. for you? Letting

The button came off accidentally.

I’m not mistaken, you’ve been searching in the study for quite some time, right? You didn’t find what you were looking for, so you’re

Elias didn’t ask me to do any of this, but I care about him. I want to do something for him. And you, why do you always oppose him at every turn? If not for you, our family of three would have been so happy.



her vent her anger, then smiled and


very well that what you’re doing is illegal, yet you

longer. It was pointless. She knew she

whatever you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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