Chapter 542 Am I a Bad Woman in Your Eyes?

It was already noon the next day when Amanda woke up. She was so exhausted that at one. point, when the maid came to call her for breakfast, she couldn’t get up.

She even missed sending Aiden to kindergarten.

Last night, Elias had exhausted her for too long, leaving her feeling sore and tired. However, that man seemed refreshed and went to work as usual.

When she woke up, it wasn’t a natural awakening but rather a phone call that disturbed her.

She reached for her phone and saw that it was Elias calling. She answered the phone somewhat irritably, “What do you want? Are you calling to console me?”

The man on the other end of the line chuckled indulgently. “Yes, how are you feeling? Just woke up, huh? I heard you slept in all morning and didn’t even have breakfast.”

“Could I even get up? How dare you ask that question? Don’t you know how unreasonable you were last night!” Amanda didn’t even have the energy to flip out.

“Okay, okay, it’s all my fault. How about coming over for lunch? I’ll treat you.”

“No need, I don’t feel like going out. I’ll just eat something at home.”

“Alright, suit yourself. If you get sleepy, just eat and go back to sleep.”

Amanda’s lips twitched. “How is that any different from raising a pig? Eating and sleeping, sleeping and eating.”

“So what? I can afford it, and I’m willing to do it.”

“Elias! You really have a sharp tongue. Well, you’d better go earn money quickly, or you really won’t be able to afford me. I’m not easy to maintain.”

“Okay, I’ll go make money then. You better get up and have something to eat.”

Despite feeling a bit angry, after hanging up the phone, she couldn’t help but feel a warm and sweet sensation.

she loved and her child were both with her, and

ticking time bomb. She couldn’t shake off the

to leave with Dulcie, who seemed ready for an outing, with a

you taking

“Yes, you

today. Go back,” Symeon replied, holding Dulcie in

Casey. I’m much better today. I’m going to kindergarten, and

I see,”

Casey followed, saying, “Let me come along. I won’t be a

in front of the child and tarnish

the back seat, engaging in whispered

at the kindergarten, and

the car.

Dulcie, she happily greeted her, “Hello, Dulcie! You’re finally here at kindergarten. I

walked over and shyly replied, “Thank you, teacher. I’m much better

the teacher turned to Symeon. “Don’t worry, Dulcie’s dad. We will take good care

the classroom and instructed, “Dulcie has a sensitive stomach, so please give her light and non-greasy

mom can rest assured. We will take

Dulcie’s mom?

and Casey exchanged glances, and before Casey could speak,

bit awkward, finding

“I’m sorry; I thought she

of Dulcie. We’ll be on our way,” Symeon concluded, then turned and left. Casey looked back

Symeon, with an emotionless expression, said to her, “Take a cab back by yourself. I

that you won’t even give me a ride? It’s

It’s not my concern. You can take the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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