Chapter 547 Love Is Hard To Explain

The following morning, Casey woke up to find herself in a soft and comfortable bed. Then, she realized that it was already the next morning.

Suddenly, she felt someone holding her hand. When she looked over, it was Dulcie.

Am I at Symeon’s house?

She could only remember a man stariding in front of her with an umbrella last night, and then she passed out. But then she remembered that the man was Symeon!

Struggling to sit up, she asked, “Dulcic, where is your father?”

Dulcie saw that Casey was awake, and her big, innocent eyes widened. She exclaimed, “Wow! Miss Casey, you’re awake. My daddy asked me to stay here with you. He said you would be very happy to see me when you wake up.”

“Yes, I am very happy. So, where is your daddy?”

“Daddy is in the study. It’s raining today, so he didn’t go to work and stayed home with me,” Dulcie answered like a well-behaved child.

Casey smiled and patted her head. “Dulcie, why don’t you go play for a while? I’ll go talk to your daddy and come back to watch cartoons with you later.”

“Okay! Daddy said we can’t go anywhere today because it’s raining.”

“Yes, today your daddy and I will both stay at home with you.”

“That’s great!” Dulcie happily ran off to play.

Afterward, Casey got up, feeling tired but much better than the previous night. She realized that her fever was gone, and there was medicine on the bedside table.

In the study.

When Symeon heard a knock on the door, he was in the middle of looking at an electronic contract on his computer. He closed the webpage and said, “Come in.”

The study door opened, and Casey walked in.

her, the man didn’t react much. He coldly asked, “Do you have something to say

you. Thank you for taking me in last night. I


in to repay for taking care of Dulcie all these days. Besides, you are Dulcie’s biological mother, and It’ll be unjust of me to be rude to you.” The man’s attitude was so cold that it


to say and nodded with a smile. “Then I’ll leave you to your




is it?” Casey

medicine. The fever

I understand. Thank you. I’ll leave as soon as I’m better and find another place to stay. I won’t cause you any trouble or

ignored her and continued

thought of him or why she was kicked out of her house

she ran into the nanny, holding a cup

to bring this up to you. Drinking this. It’ll make

Penny. I really appreciate

she was feeling unwell and helped me a lot. I should be the one thanking you.” Penny smiled and

finished the

back and rest. Rest is the key to recovering from a cold and fever. When you’re well-rested, your body will recover faster. By the way, you can let me know what you want for lunch. I’m

You can make anything you like, but I

have much appetite when having a cold and fever. Then I’ll make something light for you,” Penny said with a


his mind. He didn’t care about her at all. Morcover, she had been away from home since last night, and he hadn’t

notice the heavy rain last night? He must have, but he only cares about Eleanor and his young

“Thank you, Penny.”

Miss Casey, I noticed that Mr. Lawrence treats you differently. He personally carried you here yesterday and took care of

He changed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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