Chapter 561 I Will Never Compromise!

Finally, it was revealed.

Eleanor finally revealed her true intentions, and Casey exclaimed angrily. “Who gave you the right to decide my life? Are you implying that you knew who the child’s father was all along?”

“How could I have known? All I knew was that the man had a lot of influence overseas. I didn’t know anything else. And even if you know all this now, what can you do? The child is gone, and you will never find him.” Eleanor arrogantly laughed, thinking the woman had already disposed of the child.

Little did she know that Dulcie had already returned to Symeon’s side after going through twists and


Casey released her grip on Eleanor’s collar and burst into laughter-one that was even more audacious than Eleanor.

“What are you laughing at, and what’s so funny? You haven’t even seen what the child looks like, so you’re a failed mother. What right do you have to laugh here?

Eleanor couldn’t find it to laugh because Casey’s laughter made her


“Of course, I can laugh. Why shouldn’t I? I’m laughing because you’re about to meet your doom,” Casey said while turning around and unlocking the door before leaving.

Eleanor grabbed her. “Stop! What do you mean by that? What have you done?”

“Now, you’re scared, huh? It’s too late. When the DNA test results come out, it will be time for you and your lover’s son to leave our Carter Family.” Casey mentioned she no longer wanted to dwell on Eleanor’s actions as she wanted to hold onto what she had, including Dulcie.

After saying that, Casey slammed the door and left..

Eleanor stood dumbfounded in the room. Am I really going to be kicked out of here? No, this will not happen!

Philip had already gone to do the DNA test, and she would be finished if the results came out. She even left the Carter Family with Peter.

shouted with a trembling voice, “What have you done? The DNA test results

worry, I’ve taken care of it, as I secretly replaced Philip’s blood samples with mine. The DNA test will definitely show that he is the biological father,”


with a smile of joy, and

calm these days and act as

own matters. It’s best if you don’t come looking for me anymore these days, and let’s act like we don’t know

you need to



hanging up the phone, her face showed a smug smile again. “Casey, you are still too naive to compete with me, so just wait to be dealt with by

A few days later.

was working overtime at Winters Enterprise when she suddenly received a call from home saying. there was an

calling you back as he said there will be

test results seem to be out, and they probably want to

really was, as he didn’t resemble his father at all. Moreover, Philip was almost sixty years old when Eleanor was pregnant, and his health was not very good during many medical

and I’ll go back after I finish

phone, she felt something strange but couldn’t

company, and hailed a

Carter Residence.

felt a strange atmosphere as soon as

room, not saying a word, while

lifeless, with only the

didn’t call Philip because she remembered

a DNA test report into her arms and said, “Please take a good look for yourself. You had misunderstood your Aunt Eleanor as she’s


and quickly flipped to the last page, only to find

relationship? How is this possible? Peter is

“This is impossible! How could he be


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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