Chapter 109 It’s Me, Don’t Hang Up Yet

Why is this guy always as troublesome as a child? thought Amanda. However, recalling the slap she had received across her face, she instantly boiled with anger. She retorted sharply, “Just call the police if he’s missing! What’s the use of calling me? He didn’t come to me, and even if he did, I wouldn’t see him either! Then, she hung up the phone right away. Standing up to take a look at Selina in the kitchen, she said, “Selina, you don’t have to fix it. I’m not very hungry.”

“I’ve started cooking already. Just eat a little, okay? Or you’ll get hungry after midnight.”

“Alright then, I’m going upstairs to take a shower.” Since Selina had started cooking, she had no choice but to eat it in order not to waste the food.

She headed upstairs to take a quick shower and get changed. After entering her bedroom, she was going to pick up the remote control and close the curtains. Inadvertently, however, she caught sight of what seemed to be a black car parked under a tree out there. She walked over to take a closer look, but as she was unable to make it out in the darkness, she thought she was only seeing things. After closing the curtains, she entered the bathroom to take a bath, soon after which the splashing of the shower could be heard.


A black luxury car was lurking in a dark corner outside the villa. The man in the car was smoking one cigarette after another, his eyes fixed steadily on Amanda’s bedroom window upstairs until he saw the curtains being closed.

He had been sitting here for two hours, though even he had no idea what he had been sitting here for. After getting out of the hospital, he drove straight to Galaxy Bay. Since then, he had been here waiting for Amanda’s car to return. But now that she was finally back, he wasn’t happy at all. Is she back from her blind date? The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. He felt as though his lungs were going to explode, and the most ridiculous thing was that he didn’t even have the right to be angry right now.

He called her using another number that she didn’t know. This time, nobody answered the phone for a long time. He couldn’t help but look up at the second-floor window. The light was still on. which meant she wasn’t asleep. Why isn’t she answering the phone?

At last, the phone was answered, and the sound of running water could be heard. Is she in the bathroom?

“Hello? Who am I speaking to?” Amanda’s voice rang through the phone.

somewhat afraid to speak at this very moment, though. He knew that he might get cut. off as soon as


109 It’s Me,

+10 pearls

or I’m gonna hang up.”

me. Don’t hang up

time on the other end. After that, she finally spoke. “What’s the point. of you doing this? Why are you running around instead of staying in the hospital? Yacob even called me to ask about you, you know? Can’t you spare all of us the headache? Do you think the whole world has

since Elias last heard her voice, let alone heard her speak so much. He found it rather curious, even though she was scolding him. “I

That’s none of my business. We’ll

laughter. “You just accepted me a couple of days ago, and now you want nothing more to do with me? Is that why you’ve started going on blind dates? You want to marry

obviously startled for a moment on the other end. “You’re quite well-informed, ch? You even know that I went on a blind date. Yeah, I did go on a blind date. Only

woman really goes all out to piss me off?

alone accepted your courtship! A leopard never changes its spots, and you’ll always be the high and mighty Elias.

laughed in anger. “It was my fault for raising my hand against you last time. But

We’ll go our separate ways and mind our own business. Also, go back to the hospital and rest, will you? Or 1 won’t shed a tear if you

a tissue, only to realize that he had coughed up blood again. This is bad. I have to get back to the hospital. Otherwise, won’t Amanda get off easily if I really end up dying from getting pissed


It’s Me, Don’t…

+10 pearls

breathing, he willed himself to start the car and drive out of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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