Chapter 122 Let’s Get Married, Amanda

It was 4.00PM when Simon was sitting on his bed waiting for a phone call. He had not slept at a wink throughout the night.

Suddenly, his phone rang, and a confident smile crept up his face. At expected, Grace was probably feeling utterly tormented throughout the night before she finally decided to call him

So, he picked up the phone and started the recording Miss Murphy”

The other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds. “How did you know it me

“Because I feel the same way as you do and couldn’t rest until I’ve received the answer I want. Im afraid that Amanda and Elias will mend their relationship. Then, all my hard work for the past four years will go down the drain.”

“Fine. Tell me, then. How are we going to destroy the evidence in her hands?

She finally admits to her wrongdoings. Simon felt his smile widen. “You’re going to pretend to apologize to Amanda and beg her to not post the evidence online. I’ll act as if I was going to ask her about work while you start a fight with her. Then, I’ll pull Amanda away and you can run upstairs to look for the thumb drive. I remember that she hid it in the study. I’ll try my best to stall for time. Once you find it, destroy it immediately. She might have a copy somewhere as well. So, you need to find that and delete any evidence Amanda might have.”

“Okay. Sure. I’ll head over in the morning. You should get ready, then.

“Miss Murphy, remember that you are an actor. So, you have to stay in character and can’t let Amanda see through your schemes. She’s very vigilant now and nobody can go near her study, especially during such a crucial point of time. Also. I don’t have to remind you that no one else can know about our little arrangement, do I?”

On the other end of the phone, Grace wholeheartedly believed Simon. “Of course, I know that. But have you seen that video? Is it bad for me?”

I got you. Simon tried to suppress the glee in his voice as he explained, “Yes. I’ve seen it. It’s not looking good for you. She’s only seen slapping you in the video and she isn’t anywhere near the knife. The timestamp is also pretty clear that your face was fine before she left. But your face was cut 10 minutes after she was gone. So, if this video was leaked, it’s enough to refute your claims.”

Then, get on with it. We’ll move when the sun rises. I can’t wait any longer. That video can’t be posted, or else my life will be utterly ruined!”

“Okay. Give me a call before you head out. I’ll make sure to cooperate with you.”

he checked the phone call

the only ones unable to sleep as Amanda was also unable to fall into slumber. Regardless, she started to feel sleepy

impromptu nap.

Amanda! Amanda!”

could be heard thumping up the stairs as she started frantically knocking

herself off her bed. After a few moments, she went to open the door with her mind

eyes that she grumbled wearily. “What’s

as she shoved the phone

and saw that it

title wrote. The truth behind Grace Murphy’s injured face. She did it

She widened her eyes at it before she had

the article stated that Grace was possibly the one who cut her face and blamed it on someone else. There was even a recording of a phone call in

and Grace’s conversation. Huh. Would

she deliberately disfigured herself and that she was lying. Therefore, she placed the entire blame on Amanda to ruin Amanda’s

below. The comments

her face was all cut up. If nobody was at home at that time, does that mean that Grace

guilty. That’s why she’s so flustered! So, she wanted to look for

the turn of events. I have to say that Grace is really brutal, even to herself. She ruined her face just to accuse someone

I didn’t expect Grace

the comments were condemning Grace for her brutality. It was apparent that the people were starting to side

did her a big favor

as his efforts would

his great acting skills,

breakdown right now as her plans were falling all over her

who was in a daze and called out to her, “Amanda?

“Huh? What?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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