Chapter 161 Are All Men So Fickle?

Amanda sat at her dressing table after her shower and did her skincare routine before climbing into bed for sleep. However, she wasn’t sleepy at all, and her mind was filled with images of Elias in a conversation. with the stunning woman who had a sexy figure.

Maybe he had changed his target. After all, she had already rejected him so thoroughly. Are all men so fickle she wondered. No, I think only Elias is so fickle because he dumped me just like that back then.

She fell asleep while she was brooding over this and had a very long dream, where she dreamed that Elias was having his wedding.

Never did she expect that she would attend his wedding, an event more luxurious and grander than word could describe. In the dream, she stood in the wedding venue and saw Elias in a black wedding suit. He was standing in front of the pastor as he waited for his bride to walk to him.

The smile on his face was filled with love, and the bride was a woman she had never met. Although she couldn’t make out her looks, she could tell that the bride was graceful and so gorgeous that she made. heads turn. The elegant woman was dressed in a white wedding gown as she approached Elias step by


The pastor started conducting the wedding and asked for their vows. When Elias answered, ‘I do’, Amanda suddenly shouted, “I object!”

Then, she woke up from her dream in shock, springing upright and gasping for air. After she surveyed the room in front of her eyes, it dawned on her that she was dreaming earlier.

Tiny beads of sweat had broken out on her forehead, and she released a long sigh. She ran her hand. through her hair and was about to return to sleep when she caught Aiden looking at her next to the bed with a milk bottle in his hands.

“Did you have a nightmare, Mommy?”

married? Isn’t that what I’ve always wanted? That way, he’ll stop pestering me, which he already did. She smiled at him. “No. Why did you wake up

now,” he answered. “You’re late

it was already past 8,00AM. Usually, her biological clock would wake her up around 7.00AM, but what was wrong with her today? Not only did she have a weird dream,

Oh, God! I’m late! Miss Selina will

go to the office as soon as possible. There were a few meetings scheduled for today and Simon would

she rushed to get ready and said, “Mommy, my teacher said that we’re going camping with our parents this weekend…

her head poked out of the bathroom. “Why would you like to invite him?” In the past, it was always Simon who would come into his mind, but somehow, Elias was the


better, and he even promised to bring me to Universal Studios. So, I would like to take him camping, too.” Sure

answered, “I’ll go with you. Mr. Winters is busy with work, and we shouldn’t

tiny lips. “Okay.. It’s fine if you’re the only one going with me, but my teacher said

because she had never been camping and didn’t even know how to set up a tent. Never mind. I can’t waste my time thinking about this and just

all the way there. After the meeting, she

you sleep well last night? I’m seeing dark circles under your eyes

sleep well because of a dream last night.” Hence, her mind started to recall

are you

tell that she had something on her mind. Regardless, she snapped back to reality and frantically changed the topic, saying, “Oh, nothing. By the way, do you

Are you

kindergarten is organizing a camping trip and I’m going with him. I might have to set up a tent and such at

reject his offer. So, he could only say, “I know a person who is knowledgeable about such matters, and I can introduce you to him so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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