Chapter 198 We Did Our Best

Faced with such strong reactions from the two individuals, Oscar could only choose to remain silent, although he truly doubted the truth behind Howard falling down the stairs.

Amanda and Elias exchanged a glance.

Her eyes were filled with panic as she feared that she would be misunderstood by Elias, but it was indeed difficult to explain clearly.

Elias’ gaze was somewhat complicated. He seemed to have suspicions but also felt that he should firmly believe in her and stand by her side.

Suddenly, the signboard light outside the operating room went out, and the door opened. A doctor came out while taking off his mask.

The doctor’s expressionless face made them unable to guess the situation inside.

Elias stepped forward and asked, “How is it?”

The doctor glanced at the three people present and shook his head helplessly, saying, “I’m sorry. We tried our best. When he was brought in, he was already suffering from severe intracranial hemorrhage and asphyxiation. It was too late.”

Elias’ pitch-black pupils suddenly contracted, and his tall figure froze in place.

Oscar was shocked on the side, while Amanda only heard a booming sound as if the whole world had collapsed.

Her legs went weak, and she approached the doctor. Her voice was trembling as she asked, “Doctor, what do you mean by that… What do you mean by ‘We tried our best’ and ‘It was too late? Can you explain to me what this means?”

Her mind was blank, and her fingertips were trembling.

The doctor knew that many family members couldn’t accept such an outcome, but there was no other way. Sometimes, life was just so helpless.

The person was already accustomed to such scenes, so he patiently repeated, “What I mean is that Old Mr. Winters is already brain-dead, which can be declared dead in medical terms.”


These two events felt like a mountain pressing down on Amanda and it was hard for her to breathe. Her face turned as pale as a sheet.

she took a step

see his lifeless body instead, and she would never have the

toward the operating room. He

his grandfather these past

not want

operating room and saw his grandfather’s body lying on the bed and covered in a


instantly welled up as he saw his grandfather at the most peaceful moment in

but his grandfather,

slowly approached the bedside. Even though it was just a few steps away, it

grandfather’s bloodless face. The

perfectly fine.

couldn’t accept this reality for a moment. Just last night, he had angered his grandfather to the point of

Oscar and Amanda also

tears and cried out upon seeing Howard, “Old Mr. Winters, please wake up. How could this happen…

legs gave out, and tears streamed down her face when she

she had been prepared to have a big argument with Howard before going to see him, now seeing his lifeless body lying there, she

she murmured as she was filled with

When she

by step to the bedside, looking at Howard lying there peacefully. Her

her held Howard’s

Amanda’s phone rang. It rang in the deathly silence of the operating room and it sounded

had no intention of answering the call and wanted to silence it, but accidentally pressed the answer button. It was

“Amanda, I found Aiden at the police station. He came to the station by himself to seek help last night. Don’t worry, the child

but she couldn’t hear it. She only heard the words “The child has

It wasn’t him who

Amanda’s face even more after she thought about it. She cried in deep sorrow while

he had ulterior motives earlier and wanted to hide the child, it was only because he was afraid she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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