Chapter 203 A Domineering Elias

Presently, Amanda was at her home in Northern No. 1. She didn’t go to the law firm in the past few days, nor was she in any mood to head out.

The door was pushed open. Selina had picked up the child and returned. When she saw Amanda spacing out on the couch, she said to the child, “Go and play with your toys, Aiden. I’ll go to you later.”

“Sure.” Aiden obediently went to play with his toys so that Selina and Amanda could have a talk.

Selina put down her purse and sat down on the couch before calling out, “Amanda?”

The woman didn’t react to her. She seemed engrossed in her own little world. Selina wondered what was on her mind. “Amanda!” she called out again.

“Yeah?” Amanda finally came to her senses. Upon registering Selina’s presence, she asked with a smile, “When did you come back? I didn’t hear the door opening. By the way, where’s Aiden?”

A helpless Selina shook her head. “You were just deep in thought. Aiden is playing with his toys now. Are you alright? You’ve been muddle-headed for the past few days. Did anything happen?”

Amanda replied calmly. “Elias’ grandfather rolled down the stairs and passed away.”

“My goodness! How did that even happen? Mr. Winters must be distraught now.”

It was imaginable how tough it must have been for someone like Elias, who was proud and unwilling to show his weaknesses.

Amanda put on a dejected smile. “I was the first one who discovered his death.”

Selina stared at her with disbelief for a moment before asking tentatively. “Does Mr. Winters you pushed his grandfather down the stairs?”

suspect that

feel that he’s doubting me as well, but he’s forcing himself to trust me. That’s because all the signs show that Old Mr. Winters’ death has something

the consequences of murdering someone. You’re clever enough not to do that. Moreover, you’ve been saying that when you were in Winters Manor,

as she looked at Selina and asked, “Why do you trust me so much? Perhaps I committed a crime on a whim. When a person is agitated,


put on a smile, her eyes welling up with tears. It felt wonderful to have

the funeral, she felt awful. Even though she was a lawyer, she felt powerless to

would he roll down the stairs out

ask me to come here? Is


club, and he had been listening to his nonsense for the past 30

you! Are you deaf? Why did Elias even hire a

the door was pushed open. Elias entered the room and said, “Since you find it frustrating to talk to my bodyguard, do you want to replace

he unbuttoned his jacket and sat down on

entered the room as well and stood beside Elias, taking over from the bodyguard. He sent a signal to the bodyguard, who

naturally imposing. He was always intimidating

placed both

Elias. The fact that Howard was impartial toward Elias made him feel aggrieved. Now that Howard was gone and his mother had acquired all the shares, he could finally be confident in front of Elias.

the thought of this, he realized there was no longer any reason for him to be afraid of

against the couch again and crossed his legs, looking haughty. I’m worried you can’t afford to hire me to be your bodyguard, Elias. After all, Grandpa’s shares are all given to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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