Chapter 206 A Divorcee

“Mr. Winters, why aren’t you keeping Aiden company tonight? Since you’ve just reunited with him, you’re supposed to spend more time with him.”

When Yacob caught sight of Elias’ sharp gaze through the rearview mirror, he kept his mouth shut, knowing he shouldn’t be such a busybody.

Instead of replying to him, Elias looked out the window with a hint of dejection behind his gaze. He couldn’t help but put on a self-mocking smile.

Perhaps I’ve demanded too much from a three-year-old kid. He needs more time to digest this kind of matter.

Since Aiden was aware that Elias was his father, that was enough. Elias decided to let nature take its course. When he was done retrieving all his shares, he would make more time for his son.

Elias slept over in his office. The next day, he freshened up and headed straight to Jack’s house. Since he needed the older man’s help, he couldn’t afford to be negligent.

When he arrived at the Allegra Villa, the butler invited him to have a seat in the living room. After Elias was served coffee, he started waiting for Jack.

He had woken up early to show Jack that he was sincere.

Since the matter of getting back his shares was of utmost importance, he had to be meticulous in everything he did.

In the past few days, he had been relying on lots of coffee to keep him awake.

Just then, he heard a series of footsteps from behind, but he reckoned the person wasn’t Jack because it sounded like the footsteps of a woman. Moreover, she was stealthy.

Elias pretended not to notice her presence and continued drinking coffee. When the woman was close enough to him, she was ready to scare him. Much to her surprise, the man turned his head all of a sudden, causing her to exclaim in shock.


Elias took a look at the woman and reckoned that she was in her early twenties. She was beautiful, and the way she carried herself showed that she was a wealthy young lady.

Is she Jack’s daughter, Stephanie?

my skin!” Stephanie covered her chest. She was so shocked that her face turned

put down his cup and refuted impassively, “You wouldn’t have been

scare me.”

the couch across from him before

father wants me to marry? I heard Elias was

man she had ever seen. Despite the fact that he sported an impassive expression, his face was chiseled and attractive.

Elias Winters to

early, Elias? I just woke up.” Jack came over slowly. When he caught sight of his daughter, he

rose from the couch and asked, “Mr. Allegra, didn’t you tell

last night. She said she wanted to give me a surprise. Elias put

There’s something I need to talk to you

by the end of the year. Don’t go anywhere else. Just stay here and

and bellowed, “Dad! How could you make such an important decision for me without my

marry anyone else!”

with a smile and continued having

to marry me. I don’t want to

be best if the woman could successfully dissuade her father. In that case, not only could Elias get back his shares, but he also didn’t have

to be noisy. He got a headache


married such a woman, he would be frustrated

took a look at Elias before making Stephanie sit back down on the couch. “I don’t care. You have to marry Elias. Your taste for men is terrible. How could you find a poor man to snatch my wealth? I’ve been working hard all my life, so I’m not going to pass on everything to a poor man like him. No way that’s going to

unreasonable, Dad! I told you Crisp isn’t that kind of person. We can sign a

she had found the right man. However, Jack had been in the business world for years, so he could easily see through Crispin’s

way better than Crispin. Why don’t you try spending time with him? You’ll soon realize that


at Elias

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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