Chapter 216 Listen to Me, I’m Engaged to Stephanie

“Amanda! Listen to me!” Elias shouted angrily.

However, Amanda was in no mood to entertain a single word from him. “What else do you want to say? I’ve no interest in listening! Save your sweet words for your soon-to-be-engaged fiancée and future father- in-law!”

Although pleased to see her angry, Elias felt a twinge of heartache. He gently held her cheeks, causing her to become still. “Please, calm down. Things aren’t as they seem! Can you let me explain?”

She was stunned, and her gaze fixed blankly on the man..

“Listen to me, alright? I’m engaged to Stephanie, but it’s not what you think! I-” He was about to explain. his plan to her when the sound of the elevator doors opening in the underground parking garage interrupted them. Looking up, he saw Jack walking out, and he decided to stay silent.

“You want to say something? Then, say it! What exactly is going on? Say it! Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance!” Amanda’s anger grew as she noticed Elias abruptly falling silent.

Meanwhile, Jack was here to witness how Elias would handle the situation. Aware of his cunning. intentions, Elias released his grip on her hand.

Losing her balance, she took two steps back before looking at the man standing before her in bewilderment.

“I’ll be engaged next month, so stop bothering me. I’ll provide child support, and there’ll be no relationship between us apart from our child. It would be preferable if you’re willing to entrust Aiden to me, but if not, I won’t insist. The decision is yours to make.” As Elias spoke, he felt a suffocating sensation in his chest, as if a heavy stone were crushing him. However, he knew he had to say that to gain Jack’s trust.

her eyes, finding it hard to believe what she had heard. Did he come all the way to the underground parking garage just

way here just to tell me this? When did I ever bother you? Did I prevent you from remarrying? Is it necessary to humiliate me like this? No wonder you’ve been trying to get me and Aiden out of the country these past few days. So, it seems the one who came to see you is Stephanie, your fiancée, huh? Ha… I’m such a fool! I even called you. for help. How could I

actions from yesterday, Amanda found it

as he watched the heated argument unfold, and

She sounded as if she

too, felt a pang of anguish, and his fists involuntarily clenched tightly

“Yes, Stephanie is my fiancée. It’s best if you don’t provoke her. Avoid her, if possible. She

each drop

won’t give you Aiden! I won’t let you find a stepmother for him, and I won’t leave this place! Why should everything be your decision? I want to take

knew he had to leave quickly. Otherwise, he would not be able to resist the urge to rush over and embrace her,

eyes. His heart was also aching, but it was not the right moment to reveal the truth to her. He had to earn

kid has completely given up on his ex-wife. It should be

several times, casting sympathetic glances. Shaking his

solitude, tears cascading down her face like raindrops, As she tried to head back to her car, she unintentionally stepped on something sharp.

However, she did not want anyone to witness her pitiful state and silently stifled her sobs by pressing her hand against her mouth. Why does it have to be like this? Was Elias always like this?I knew it all along, so

yourself, Amanda Bailey!” She cried out in pain as

allowed herself to believe Elias’

from the bartender. Dressed in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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