Chapter 225 I Want Daddy

However, when they entered the ward, it was empty.

Elias frowned and stood silently in the room.

Just then, a nurse happened to pass by the room, and Yacob called out to her, asking, “Miss, may I ask where the patient in this room is? The child with a high fever and was receiving an IV drip.”

“Oh,” the nurse replied. “The child’s mother took him home. The child woke up and couldn’t find his father. He cried and refused to cooperate, so we prescribed some fever-reducing medication for them to take home.”

Worry filled Elias’ eyes upon hearing that. Was he asking for me when he woke up?

He suddenly turned around, preparing to go directly to Northern No. 1 to visit Aiden.

Yacob also had a hunch about Elias’ intentions and followed him without hesitation.

After returning to Northern No. 1, Amanda poured a glass of water and prepared to trick little Aiden into taking the fever-reducing medicine. However, the little boy kept crying and insisted on wanting his father. He seemed to still have a fever and was somewhat delirious, speaking incoherently.

“Daddy… I want Daddy. Daddy…” Aiden curled up on the couch as tears clung to his long lashes, looking very pitiful.

Amanda felt helpless and decided to stick a fever patch on Aiden’s forehead first. “Daddy is busy with work. He’ll come and visit you later. Let’s take your medicine first, okay? Be a good boy…”

The little one was never this clingy to Elias, but for some reason, he kept wanting his father this time.

“I’ll wait for Daddy to come back before taking my medicine, then,” said the little guy obstinately. “I want to wait for him.”

Amanda didn’t know what to do at this point. She looked back at Selina, and both of them were at a loss. However, asking her to call Elias and beg him to keep the child company was impossible now.

at the thought of how Elias left without ever looking back

from the beginning that his father was dead and that he didn’t have a father.

Elias, but now, she regretted it because that sc*m of

Selina also noticed Amanda and Elias’ strained relationship back at the

“Why don’t we have Mr. Winters come over

work? Huh, more like busy preparing for the engagement with his new fiancée. He

Mr. Winters getting married? I thought he

need his company. He was never around in the past four years, from the first pregnancy test to the prenatal check-ups to childbirth. I survived just fine without

within Amanda, and her anger wasn’t directed only at Elias but also at herself. She was angry at her own weakness, for she was repeatedly hurt by this se m

certain someone popped into her head, and Amanda gently suggested to Aiden, “Baby, Daddy is really busy right now, and we don’t know when he’ll come. How about

Daddy. I have a Daddy, don’t I?

father was still unknown to him, Simon seemed like the best choice, but now

loss. The little one refused to take the medicine, so they could only keep applying the fever patch and using physical methods to lower his

mind and looked at Selina, saying, “Selina, hold him down. I’m going to force the

of uneasiness. Wasn’t it too cruel to force such a young child to take his medicine

They couldn’t allow Aiden to continue being

Selina sat on the couch, holding Aiden tightly and gripping his little face while Amanda forcefully stuffed the pill into his mouth

don’t want to take the medicine… No!” The little guy resisted fiercely, spilling water all

aback as she held the struggling boy in her arms. To

We can’t let him have his way anymore.” Amanda steeled. herself. In truth, it pained her deeply. After all, he had

the doorbell

echoed everywhere as if he

door. They just wanted to get the medicine down his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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