Chapter 248 I’ll Come to You Guys

The call was made, but nobody answered even after ringing for a long time, for right then, Elias was in a meeting with his phone on silent mode.

Amanda said to Aiden helplessly, “He’s not answering. He’s probably busy with something. How about we try again tomorrow?”

“The flowers won’t look good anymore tomorrow, though…” said little Aiden dejectedly, looking at the big bouquet.

“Well, there’s nothing we can do. We can’t reach Daddy if he doesn’t answer his phone.”

Frankly speaking. Amanda thought it was better if they didn’t meet up, for she didn’t know how to face him at the moment.

She already wanted to completely cut ties with Elias, but lo and behold, Grace showed up, and Elias shielded her from the sulfuric acid attack, leaving her conflicted. Should she hate this man now or treat him like an old friend?

Little Aiden grumbled wordlessly, seemingly upset. He compromised in the end, for he knew there was no other way around this. “Okay…”

Amanda could tell that the little guy was worried the flowers would wither by tomorrow. At that, she ruffled her hair and said, “Cheer up, alright, bubba? I know how to keep the flowers fresh.”


“Of course. When have I ever lied to you? It’s still early. How about we watch a movie before going home?”

She decided she shou

take the little guy to the movies lest he grumbled all night.

“Okay!” Aiden instantly perked up, his attention successfully diverted.

Amanda smiled, took his little hand, and left the hospital.

After arriving at the parking lot, Amanda placed the fruits and bouquet on the back seat, then strapped Aiden into the child safety seat.

Just then, her phone rang.

Amanda froze for a second upon seeing the caller ID-it was Elias.


it?” Aiden asked, seeing

still told the truth, and

handed the phone to Aiden. “You answer it. You miss him,

chirped without a second

other end, Elias’ heart melted after hearing the sweet,

with a smile. “Why

you were gone. I even bought flowers and

I already left. Are you guys still at

Mommy said we’ll

the hospital. I’ll come to you

beamed. “The flowers I got you are really pretty, Daddy. They’re for you. I’m sure you’ll

you give me. Alright, hand the phone to

Aiden returned the phone to Amanda.

to answer the phone, but she had no other choice at this point and reluctantly

come to you

discharge from the hospital on your

we meet later. Wait for

hang up when Amanda heard his secretary’s voice on the other end, reminding him that he had a meeting in an hour. As such, she said, “If you have a meeting later, don’t come. We


about it. I still have an hour

run around, or your wound might get infected. You know

she ended the call, not giving Elias any chance to

place. However, why would he shield me from the attack? That

Enterprise, and after explaining it to the receptionist, they were ushered to take the president’s

continued to hold the big


to Daddy myself!” The little guy was determined. In fact,

wristwatch, realizing there was only half an hour left. In half an

elevator door opened slowly, and the mother and son

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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