Chapter 253 Are You Intentionally Messing With Me?


Amanda supported her dizzy head and sat up. She might have been slightly anemic, but her health had been all right lately. How can it be so bad that I collapsed?

“So, I passed out in the hospital?”

I really know how to choose the place because I was immediately warded after it happened.

“Yeah. Go back and rest. Don’t exhaust yourself,” came the man’s reminder.

Amanda shook her head to regain some clarity. “Okay. I’m fine now. Let’s go. I still have things to deal with later.”

“What kind of things?”

“None of your business. Let’s leave now.”

Amanda wore her heels and grabbed her purse in preparation to leave the ward.

Elias then solemnly said, “Forget it. I guess it’s better for you to leave first since Yacob will be done with his errands soon and will arrive any minute now.”

She was speechless upon hearing that. Did this sc*mbag just trick me?

She sneered. “Is it that interesting to intentionally mess with me?”

She really wanted to pry open this man’s head to see what went through his mind on a daily basis since he always thought about torturing people!

She glanced at the man coldly and left the ward, but he did not stop her from leaving this time.

After she left, Yacob entered the ward and spotted Amanda’s angry figure in the corridor.

“Mr. Winters, I think it’s okay for you to tell Miss Bailey about this. Who knows? She might even look forward to the DNA test results.

“It’s better not to tell her when we don’t have the results yet,” Elias countered. “Not everyone can endure the suspense.”

Yacob remained silent as he nodded.

cell phone vibrated again. For the past two days, Stephanie had been calling him for dear life

the other hand,

for two seconds before he answered, “Hello,

already going to be the end of the month. When are you going to try on the clothes with Steph? Why didn’t you guys go last night?” Jack had no choice but to personally make the request

feel drained. That was why I sent her home first. Since I have some time now, I can pick her up

You’d best go over quickly. There’s not much time left. We still have a lot to settle after

“Yes, Mr. Allegra.”

Yacob, “Go rush Dr.


Stephanie arrived at the designer’s office

been designed a long time ago, but the two

the silver mermaid-shaped gown. After they zipped her up, they

the mirror, surprised when she saw

Stephanie as accentuated her assets and covered any shortcomings in her figure. It gave her a shapely figure and portrayed her as a little woman with a

that she was mature because she had always dressed in the style of

this dress has really made you beautiful as it

staff standing off to one side complimented Stephanie, but she was rooted to the spot in

time, the curtain on the other side was also pulled open to reveal Elias, who had changed into his attire. Everyone there was amazed,

Your fiancé looks so handsome in this suit. It’s my first time seeing

notice the man behind her in the mirror, leaving her speechless for a few

to see a man in a black suit in her vision. He was intently buttoning up his cuffs with an indifferent expression, as if he was

If she had to be honest, the man would look good in any attire, but the design and the sewing of the suit were exceptionally perfect, effectively accentuating his

and temperament were that

think about

glanced upward and replied perfunctorily,

not need this suit. If the DNA test results were

suit at the end of

would not be

turned to Stephanie. “How about you, Miss Allegra? Do you need any amendments to your gown? Are you satisfied with

at the man, completely immersed in how he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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