Chapter 305 I Miss Mommy

The cries in the air came to an abrupt halt, and everything went back to normal. Amanda caught up to them a moment later and saw Rosie shivering in her brother’s embrace, fear gripping her heart. Perhaps she was still shaken by her fear of Maria and the dark.

Taylor held his sister tightly and roared at Elias, “Enough! Stop pushing her!”

Rosie fell limp in Taylor’s embrace. Taylor looked at her and tightened his grip. “Rosic?” He shouted her name, “Rosie! Wake up!” Yet, no matter how much he shouted, she wouldn’t wake up. Panicked, he called. for the butler. “Stefan? Stefan! Get us a car and take Rosie to the hospital! She fainted!”

“Yes, sir!” The butler quickly turned around and made a call.

Rosie was taken to the hospital. She was still unconscious, but the doctor had checked on her and said she would be all right. She only fainted because she was in a state of great shock. She would be fine after some


Taylor felt relieved hearing that. He tucked his sister in and left the ward. The first thing he saw was Elias and Amanda standing outside, ready to take him to the operating room for the bone marrow transplant.

“Miss Bailey,

on Amanda’s face changed. Yacob might have made it sound simple, but there was no way Aiden was simply

to fulfill your promise. Get the bone marrow transplant over with as soon

Now that I’ve found Rosie, I’m not scared of you anymore. Why would I listen to you? You might have found my sister, but the method you used was too extreme. Do you really think I’ll help your

He would donate his bone marrow as per the promise, but he

Instead, Elias laughed. He knew this would happen. “So, you’re going back

think that flimsy contract can make me do anything? In your dreams! What do I care about your son’s life?” Taylor was running his mouth. Since he could never win in a fair fight, he wanted to piss Elias off. He wanted to see the angry expression on Elias’ face when Elias realized he

to be happy. But

he looked at Yacob. “What was that supposed

I were you,

If you won’t do as you promised, then

Taylor had no patience

cleared his throat. “In other words, my employer has more than one way to make you donate your marrow willingly. He might not use force, but he can always attack your family’s business. His position

gulped. Momsey Group was embroiled in a crisis, and

might get rid of your family this time. You do know that we’re the partner for many of your family’s projects, don’t you? And he only gave you guys a chance because Rosie got mad. Now that he knows

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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