Chapter 327 Announce Your Existence to the Public

A moment later, the Allegras were brought into the reception room by the maid.

Elias said in a deep voice, “Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Allegra.”

Jack complimented with a smile, “Your estate truly deserves to be called little Imperia. We almost lost our way around here.”

Stephanie was also taken aback by the size of Winters Estate. She had always heard about. how magnificent the estate was, but it wasn’t until she was here that she was finally able to see it for herself. What a big place! It’s like a palace.

Edith, however, was in no mood to admire the architecture of this place. As soon as she entered the living room, her gaze shifted toward Amanda. She was only wishing that Amanda would call her “Mom,” but on second thought, it was a bit of a luxury to wish for.

“You flatter me, Mr. Allegra.” Elias’ lips curled into a smile.

Amanda had been listening to their exchange of pleasantries. After a long hesitation, she eventually said to the couple, “Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Allegra.”

Jack and Edith’s expressions froze for a second at the distant manner in which she called them. They knew that this kind of thing couldn’t be rushed, but their hearts sank when they heard her call them in such a cold and formal way.

Jack turned his attention to Aiden, upon which his expression changed instantly. He teased the boy dotingly, asking, “Aiden, are you happy that your grandpa came to see you?” As he spoke, he handed over the toy he had brought with him. “Here’s the toy your grandma and I bought for you. Do you like it?”

“Wow, it’s so cool! I love it!” Aiden paid no attention whatsoever to the change in mood. between the adults. Carrying the new toy in his arms, he trotted aside to play with it right


Only then did Amanda notice a man standing behind Stephanie, who looked unfamiliar to her and whom she didn’t recognize. Standing on tiptoe, she leaned closer to Elias’ ear, asking, “Who is that guy behind Stephanie?”

Elias also tilted his head toward her ear, whispering, “He’s the man she loves so much that she can’t live without.”

Oh… I see, thought Amanda.

natural and intimate gesture, but it didn’t go unnoticed by the Allegras, especially



fiancé has now become my

Do you have something you’d like

a smile, “Yeah, I do have

inviting us for dinner? We’ll talk about it over

said Elias before

At this

wondering if her father was going to criticize her again at

He clasped Stephanie’s hand, saying, “Steph, I’m here with you, and we’ll face

withdrew her hand from

What does that mean? Is this woman getting cold feet? I’ll never give up after finally getting this

the head of the dining table either. However, he was the oldest of

sat together with Aiden seated between them. They looked just

reluctantly seated herself

none of them

he was supposed to play host to others now that they were on his turf. He knew

adults could remain silent forever, but not little Aiden, whose stomach was already rumbling. He demanded,

why not let Aiden go ahead and eat first? He’s really hungry, and besides, he’s still recovering at the moment.” He had shown Jack enough respect by asking for


“Yeah, just go ahead and eat your fill. my little grandson. Don’t starve

up some food and put them on

what the adults were thinking. Whatever

rude of me to take care

mention it, Mr. Allegra. Without your participation,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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