Chapter 351 Set Him Up

Yacob, with a serious expression, replied, “They couldn’t get anything useful from anyone other than a server. He said that a man claiming to be Winters requested breakfast to be sent to room 5022 and even gave him a good tip.”

Winters? Elias frowned. “Did you not ask what the man in question looked like?”

“Of course I did. But the server said he received so many guests every day that he couldn’t remember his appearance. He only recalled that the man tipped him generously and requested the breakfast to be delivered to a young lady in 5022”

Elias fell silent. It seemed that someone was deliberately framing him, going to such extreme lengths.

He searched in his mind for a while but couldn’t think of any recent enemies who would do such a thing. and he couldn’t understand why they chose Stephanie either. Could it be that the person mistook Stephanie for his soon-to-be fiancée and chose to target her? Or he couldn’t think of any other valid.


“Bring that server over. I want to question him myself.”

“Yes, sir.” Yacob obliged.

Meanwhile, Elias fell into deep thought as he gazed at the number plate 5022. Who could be behind this? He had too many enemies, but who would be bored enough to pull off something like this? He couldn’t think of anyone for the time being.

Moments later, Yacob returned hastily, wearing a troubled expression. “Mr. Winters, the waiter has disappeared. It’s strange; he was here just an hour ago when I questioned him, but now he’s nowhere to be


Elias became furious instantly. “Idiot, don’t you understand? They are setting me up, and now they’ve eliminated the only eyewitness.”

at the Cloudview Hotel only to find the

exposed if the server revealed anything. By then, he would lose everything, unable to marry Stephanie, let alone be the Allegras’ son-in-law, and his long-awaited entry into

had ever been to success. He couldn’t afford to

pulled the waiter into a stairwell-deserted and echoing, creating a

recognized him, and after some hesitation, he exclaimed, “It’s you!

and, after making sure no one was outside. “Take this and leave. It contains all my savings over the years, a total of 70 thousand. It should be enough for you to live comfortably for several years. My only requirement is that you leave this place and stop



trouble believing

I can’t take

this very hotel were either rich or influential, or

you can live comfortably for several years and find another job.

server finally decided to take the bank card. He was just a lowly service staff and didn’t want to get involved in the world of these influential people. He knew

leave with the money, Crispin finally breathed a sigh

around was indeed a mistake. He’d be in serious trouble if Elias managed to find anything. He’d be as good

had to do

between him and Elias-whichever one acted faster

Crispin returned to the Allegra Villa at dinner time. Because of Jack’s attitude. toward the young man, everyone in the

too, had completely given in as well. Now, aside from marrying

enjoying dinner, the butler approached and reported, “Crispin in

place setting; let him join us,” Jack said, and the

and sat beside

every day to check in on

to do it,” said Crispin with a modest smile. “I worry Stephanie might take things too hard if she’s alone, so I thought some company might help. Also, Mr. Allegra,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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