Chapter 361 I’ll Go With You

“Let me go!” Stephanie struggled to break free from Crispin’s embrace, but the man only tightened his hold on her and pleaded, “Stephanie! I won’t allow you to hurt yourself like this! You don’t need to hold onto those memories. That man will never appear before again. Just try to forget it, and everything will be alright!”


However, Stephanie stared at Crispin with bloodshot eyes and snapped, “How can I forget?! It was a real and painful experience. Tell me, how can I ever forget that? Leave me alone!”

“You can, Stephanie. Please try to forget this incident and live our lives happily together from now on, okay.” Crispin attempted to calm her down by speaking gently, but Stephanie continued to bawl as she shook her head. “I can’t. I can’t do it. I really can’t…”

“Let’s get married, Stephanie. I’ll spend the rest of my life healing your trauma, okay?” He gazed at her with sincerity.

Stephanie looked at Crispin, moved by his genuine expression, and asked, “You won’t despise


She felt tainted by that vile man and even started to hate herself. Yet, Crispin never left her side.

“No,” said Crispin as he gently tidied her disheveled hair with a smile. “I will never despise my Stephanie. In my heart, you’re pure and perfect.”


In moments like this, no woman could resist the tenderness of a man. He would be like a ray of light in the darkness.

Crispin’s face drew closer to hers, and this time Stephanie didn’t evade his touch. Instead, she closed her eyes and accepted his kiss.

As their lips met, a smile appeared on Crispin’s face. He knew he was another step closer to


The following day, Elias arrived at Winters Enterprise as usual for work. There were many things to handle recently, but with Jack’s help, he should be able to reclaim the shares that belonged to his grandfather soon.

busy morning, he was about to grab some lunch when his secretary asked, “What would you like for lunch, Mr. Winters? Shall I order something for




finish asking, Elias instructed, “Just order me something from the cafeteria. I don’t have an


office with a lunch tray and placed it on the

seated behind his desk, staring at the computer screen, but it was

a knock on the

his initially indifferent handsome face showed a hint of warmth. He curled his lips into a slight smile. “What brings you

closed the door behind her while explaining. “My studio is under renovation, and I

his feet and walk toward

and noticed the delicious spread of food on the lunch tray. She had been hungry all morning, and her

“Is this your lunch?”

I had the secretary get it from the cafeteria, but I haven’t had a chance

a whiff, exclaiming with delight, “It smells

small piece of ribs and continued with surprise, “The chef at your company’s cafeteria is amazing; this is way better


amused chuckle. “Is that so? Then, you’re welcome

this too. Amanda looked at the abundant variety of dishes on the tray, at least seven or eight in total. Well, the secretary is pretty diligent. It looks like she wants to stuff her boss with the amount of food

eat, seemingly entertained by her eating. “What happened? What are you so ravenous?




really not going to have

Elias. “I’ll have the secretary get another serving

ordered all this food for you. Trust me. One person couldn’t possibly finish it all.” Amanda was starving,

the glass of warm water from the coffee table and drank it, washing down her

couch, caressing her stomach, which still seemed. somewhat flat, but in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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