Chapter 363 A Young Man

When Elias saw how shocked the man looked, he knew that Raymond was swayed.

“Do you

think it’s worth taking the fall for that person? You’re not so naive as to think that you’ll get out of jail sooner or later, are you? If that person can’t even save himself, how is he going to get you out of here?”

Sure enough, Raymond sported a conflicted expression. His mind was a mess, and he didn’t know what to do.

“I’ll give you some time to ponder. Once you’ve decided, contact us through the prison officers.”

With that, Elias turned around and left the visiting room. Amanda also departed after taking a look at Raymond’s conflicted expression.

Meanwhile, Yacob stepped forward and snatched his own phone.

Raymond asked anxiously, “How’s my wife now?!”

“Are you as blind as you are a fool? Mr. Winters hasn’t even made a move yet. I only went to the hospital to take photos of your wife and saw her there all alone. The person who has made you a scapegoat hasn’t even hired a caretaker for her. Although I have nothing to do with the two of you, I still feel sorry for her.”

Yacob tutted and kept his phone in his pocket. He was ready to leave, knowing that Raymond wouldn’t reveal anything for the time being.

“That’s impossible! You doctored the video somehow! You’ve deliberately set things up before showing that to me!” Raymond refused to believe them as he didn’t think Crispin would lie to him.

When Yacob saw how agitated the man was, he said with a smile, “Ah, I see that there’s some fight left in you. As for whether it’s true… Why don’t you think things through yourself? Besides, you should be fully aware that only you can get yourself out of this mess. No one else can save you.”

With that, he stepped out of the visiting room as well.

Raymond felt his sanity snapping as he bawled his eyes out. Yet, he still refused to reveal anything.

Meanwhile, outside the prison, Elias was leaning against his car as he took a long drag out of



his cigarette.

just for that. Are you sure you can make Raymond expose the culprit by doing so?” Amanda crossed her arms,

said slowly, “You saw his reaction, didn’t you? At the very least, he was finally willing to speak. Moreover, judging from his reaction, I can tell he understands that the person he is taking the blame for is

to contact that person, then? Unfortunately for him, I’m sure that person

and reported, “Raymond still refuses to say anything, Mr. Winters. However,

guard at the hospital for the next few days. If somebody wants to transfer Raymond’s

perfectly good bed at home!” Yacob lamented. He had just gotten a good and comfortable night’s sleep the day before, but he had to pull an

him a glare. “And? Do you have a problem

orders!” Yacob immediately opened the door and motioned for the man to get into the

the vehicle, Amanda glanced at Yacob and said with a smile, “Chin up. You’re bringing

whined inwardly, If this is so commendable, why don’t the

When he saw the unconscious woman in the

on bed no. 14? A few days have passed, but her family members haven’t

man came over and asked about transferring her to

asked, “Who was



don’t know. Perhaps it’s her

That rules Raymond out since he’s in jail. The two of them don’t have a child, so it’s not their son either. Could it be the person Raymond

“Do you

looks like?” Yacob was curious about the person who had the guts to do

see many people every day.

A well-mannered young man?

ran through a list of Elias’ enemies but couldn’t

he’ll show up at any moment. He has to

down outside. He figured he might as well wait for the person

who was ready to transfer Raymond’s wife to another hospital, stepped out of the elevator and saw Yacob seated

rounded a corner to hide himself. There was

bodyguard? Why is he

but he didn’t expect they would

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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