Chapter 371

“I’m telling you, there’s no way we’re getting a divorce. Just carry on with the wedding, or I’ll make life a living hell for you. It has taken me a lot of effort to come this far, so I won’t allow anyone to get in my way!”

Stephanie sobbed and closed her eyes in despair. Am I going to spend the rest of my life like this? Why did I even fall in love with a poor man like him in the first place? Why?!

Unbeknownst to her, their first encounter was also part of Crispin’s plan.


Soon, it was the wedding day.

As Stephanie’s sister, Amanda naturally had to attend the wedding. Jack had requested Aiden to be a pageboy.

The young child was reluctant, but he eventually gave in to Jack after the latter persuaded him for a long


Elias was also in attendance. Since he was only Amanda’s former husband, he didn’t have to come. However, he and Jack were business partners.

“Are they getting married just like this? I still haven’t come around to that idea.” Amanda was in a dazed state. After all that had happened, Stephanie was eventually marrying Crispin.

Elias picked up a glass of wine and scanned his surroundings. All the guests were people he was familiar with. Jack had invited most of the prominent business people, which went to show how much he prioritized the wedding.

All of them were smiling except for Stephanie. Presently, she was spacing out in the lounge.

The woman looked at herself in the mirror. There was no doubt she was beautiful with delicate makeup and a wedding dress. However, when she recalled Crispin’s evil nature, she felt disgusted.

Unfortunately, she didn’t dare to resist, nor did she have any idea what to do.

When Amanda entered the lounge and saw that Stephanie’s mind was somewhere else, she said, “The wedding will begin shortly. Are you ready to go out?”

Although the bond between them wasn’t strong, she was her older sister, after all. Moreover, she wouldn’t want to be a wet blanket since it was Stephanie’s wedding.



hesitant. She had a strong

wrong?” Amanda noticed her anomaly

So what if I ask for her help? She is no match for Crispin. After all, she is a frail

but he didn’t spare Stephanie a glance, for he

tantrum, Amanda. Please deal with him right away.” The

when he’s just a pageboy?” Amanda appeared

another pageboy.” A smile formed on Elias’ face at

and left the

the only one who can save me now! Crispin is wary of this man. After all, he’s a

Stephanie rose to her feet and lifted the hem of the wedding dress. Then, she approached the man and took

turned to look at her hands.

door. Since there


intention of listening to her nonsense, but Stephanie dragged him into

the door.

you something very important! Don’t you want to know who framed you? It wasn’t Raymond. I’m telling you that it wasn’t Raymond! It’s someone none

man narrowed his eyes. “Go

one who disguised himself as you and told me to go

finish her words, the door opened

Crispin’s presence, Stephanie hid behind Elias immediately. She appeared as if she had just seen

insincere smile, “What are you two doing? Mr. Winters, legally speaking, Steph is my wife now. As such, I don’t think it’s appropriate for the two


interest in listening to the man’s derisive words. He would give Crispin a

with a smile, “That’s some inappropriate behavior, Mr. Winters. You’re making

and blood streamed out from the corner of his mouth. It went

make a scene. However, if you keep spouting nonsense, don’t blame me for

around and left

on his face without a word, for he knew he was no match for Elias, at least for now. That was why he had to gain a

and her face was pale. She

the blood from

“Don’t come near me! Please! Don’t come here! There’s

no interest in you at all. Even if you stand in front of him without any clothes

Elias loved women like Amanda, so

Elias into

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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