Chapter 374 My Master Would Like to See You

The next morning, Jack and Edith were having breakfast in the dining hall while the driver sent Aiden to school.

Amanda had to head to the law firm to check on the renovation progress, for she wanted to start working sooner. It felt terrible staying at home all the time. Moreover, she wasn’t someone who could stay idle. When she entered the dining hall and saw her parents, she said, “Good morning, Mom and Dad.”

Jack replied with a smile, “Did you go to bed late last night? I heard that Elias stayed over. Where is he?”

“Oh, he went to work early in the morning. He’ll be quite busy today,” Amanda explained and sat down. beside Edith.

Just then, Crispin and Stephanie stepped into the dining hall as well. He instantly turned from a violent husband into a humble son-in-law. “Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Allegra. Steph and I will be heading to the airport after breakfast, so we’d like to bid you farewell first.”

“Sure, just forget about everything else and have fun on your honeymoon trip. You must take good care of my daughter, Crispin,” Edith said with a smile.

Crispin nodded with a smile and pulled out a chair for Stephanie to sit on.

When Amanda saw how hypocritical the man was, she said to her father nonchalantly, “Any update on Steph’s case, Dad? I heard that Raymond committed suicide in prison. Something fishy seems to be going


Crispin’s expression changed when he leard that. He was resentful of Amanda for being sharp-tongued and always targeting him.

“I’m still looking into the matter, but I haven’t found any clues yet.” Jack frowned at the mention of this


Stephanie looked at Amanda, her gaze seemingly asking for help.

Amanda certainly understood her intentions, so she glanced at her sister and asked, “Are you sure you want to go on a honeymoon trip. Steph? That will be boring, and you must be exhausted from dealing with the wedding. Why don’t you get more rest instead?”

Stephanie, who was ready to agree with her sister, replied, “I-”

her off. “Amanda, honeymoon is every woman’s dream after a wedding, so I don’t want to let Steph regret not

think my sister is a mute or something? Why

smiled in embarrassment and glanced at Stephanie with a gaze that

the truth. A moment later, she said to

Amanda. As such, you have to be gentler to him. I heard that you argued with his mother last


However, she called me a b*tch last night. Could

Did she call you

he hurriedly explained, “I’m sorry, Mr. Allegra. My mother is a village woman who can be brusque sometimes,

mother not to come again. We want nothing to do with ill-mannered people. Also, I don’t want to hear anyone calling my daughter names. If the same thing. happens again, don’t blame me


with a smile, saying, “Alright, just make sure it won’t happen again. Let’s have breakfast. You

seed of resentment was planted in his heart. I have to teach Amanda a lesson. Otherwise,

firm and saw that the renovation was almost complete. She just had

received a call from

from Esmos. Since


her clients were from Cludan. She had also stopped contacting

to her surprise, she received a call from the same person again a moment later. After hesitating for a bit, she decided to


“Are you Miss Bailey?”

was startled for a moment before replying,

to a child in Pleybia Hospital three years

hint of doubt formed on Amanda’s

to reply yes or

if it’s


other party was talking about. What does he mean that I’m the one they’re looking for? “I don’t


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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