Chapter 406 Mr Winters… Had an Accident

Just then, Colette brought juice and dessert over and saw that Amanda’s face didn’t look good, so she couldn’t help but ask, “Mrs. Winters, what’s wrong? Are you alright? Why do you look so pale?”

“I’m fine. I just suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable in my heart. It’s probably because I didn’t sleep well last night.”

Amanda shook her head. She didn’t know why her heart hurt a lot just now.

She looked at the time again and realized that it was almost 10 p.m., but Elias wasn’t home yet.

She then looked at Aiden, who was drawing, and said, “Aiden, take a break and have some juice.”


Colette saw that her face was really pale and advised her, “Mrs. Winters, why don’t you go to your room and rest for a while? I’ll help Mr. Aiden take a bath and prepare for bed when he gets tired. Don’t stay up too late. Your health is more important.”

Amanda looked at Aiden and asked, “Is that alright? Can Mrs. Colette put you to sleep later?”

Although Aiden wanted her to put him to sleep, he chose to let Colette accompany him when he heard her say that her heart wasn’t feeling well.

“Yes, Mommy. You should go to sleep if you’re not feeling well.”

Amanda patted his little head and said, “Good boy, I’ll go lie down for a while. If you can’t sleep later, come find Mommy.”


So, Amanda went back to her room alone, but she couldn’t fall asleep.

She didn’t know why her heart kept aching, as if it was trying to tell her something and Elias’ face kept appearing in her mind. She wanted to call and ask, but she was afraid that he must be busy.

Forget it, let’s not disturb him.

Then, she picked up the phone and called Boris to say, “Call me when Elias is back.”

“Yes, Mrs. Winters.”

After hanging up the phone, Amanda felt restless again. She tossed and turned in bed, but just couldn’t fall asleep. So, she played with her phone for a long time before finally falling into slumber.

-She had a very long dream. In the dream, she saw Elias on a deserted road, waving at her as if to say


she ran towards him in the dream, she couldn’t go near him or make a

blood, lying motionless on the

“No! Elias, no!”



the dream and sat up abruptly with her forehead covered in cold

it was just a dream and breathed

heavens it was just

for a while before flipping the covers and getting out of bed, only to realize that it was

eight o’clock in the morning now. So, she went to the bathroom to freshen up before changing into

at the living room, she saw

Mr. Aiden is still sleeping.

sleep. He doesn’t

for breakfast? I’ll have the

congee and side dishes. I don’t have much

that Elias wasn’t there. Did he

Boris to call her if



night.” Then, she turned around and

unstable and her heart skipped a

back all night and didn’t even give her a

he was busy on a business trip abroad,

anxious she became. She picked up her phone and dialed Elias” number, but

is switched

Something must

could the busy bee Elias turn

as she panicked

finally connected. The background on the other end was a bit chaotic, and Yacob



come home all night. Where did he go?” Yacob remained silent for a long time. I’m sorry;

while her lips trembled. “What are you saying… W-

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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